HELP! What is this? Incubate remaining or not?


9 Years
Feb 14, 2010
Received 10 BO eggs yesterday (Shipped) via post office. The eggs was individually wrapped with small bubble wrap. One of them had a pretty good crack in it so I decided to open it to check for a bullseye and this is what I found. What is it? There is no veining in the egg shell. Any Ideas? I dont know whether to incubate the remaining BO Eggs or not?

I think this is considered a meat spot. Part of the lining of the ovaduct in the hen has been absorbed into the chicken when the egg was forming. It is not a rare thing, but at the same time, it is not common. Don't worry about the rest of the eggs. Put them in the bator and hatch away. Of the 90 some odd eggs I collected last month, I only had this same item in 1 egg.

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