Help what is this

way north farm

Oct 20, 2016
Calcium N.Y.
That appears to be a breast blister that has formed an abscess. These blisters or scabs can form from continuous pressure on the keel or breast bone from lying on ground on damp or soiled bedding. I had a cockerel who developed a small one from spending 24 hours a day on his roost, afraid of his rooster flockmates to get off. I had to remove him from the others so he could get down and eat. Breast blisters can be treated by cleaning and disinfecting them, but opening the abscess to get pus out of it would be what I would do. These blisters can be common in chickens suffering from mycoplasma synovitis (MS) or when they do not sleep on a roost. Can you see if the leg joints or feet are swollen?
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One of her feet is swollen. She's a big girl and does spendcalot of time on ground or roosting on flat surfaces so that makes most sense I will clean and drain it tomorrow

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