Help!! White mold


15 Years
Jul 16, 2008
Kentucky girl
Help. This morning I noticed a white fuzzy mold growing in the grass (mostly on the tips of the grass). Will this be hazardous to my chickens? I hate to keep them locked up all day in their house. It's supposed to be in the 90s today.

I don't understand the mold. I'm in KY and it's been hot here. The humidity could have caused it but I have little to no shade at all in my yard. Also, it did rain yesterday and the ground was wet last night but I have never seen this happen before in similar situations.

I'm just worried about my babies (14 chickens)
Are you certain it's mold and not a spiderweb or insect type nest? Sometimes if you go out early in the morning, the dew will highlight the webs and they look kind of like mold. At least that is what I have seen in the past. I ask because you mentioned that it was mostly on the tips of the grass, where an insect or spider might make their web, or cocoon.
I'm certain it's mold. I thought about the spider webs too but took a really close look and it's only on the tips of the grass and where the mold is the green grass has turned brownish yellow as if it died. All of this just overnight too.
Weird. I think your chickens will be ok though. Chickens are pretty tough. If it is hot, they will probably stay in the shade as much as they can and might even ignore that moldy area. I suppose you could put a mask on (like a breathing mask, just in case) and rake it up, or burn it, or something. Chances are, it won't last too long naturally. Good luck!
Thanks for the tips. Maybe it will dry up and not spread today. I can't rake it... it's on 4 acres.

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