help! why are my hens losing their feathers around their bottom?

I have a 10 month old hen who is losing a ton of feathers also. They seem to be coming from her underside also? We have no roosters either. I also have two other chickens and they haven't lost a single feather?

Is it strange that it just came on out of the blue? No gradual build-up, just one day piles of feathers everywhere? As she runs around the yard they are literally falling out? At this rate she'll be completely bald by the weekend.

How do you know that it's molting and not some kind of illness? She seems to be active, eating and laying still.

Olivia and Claudia
It could be that you have some mean hens. I have the same problem. I watch them alot and notice that they will pull and eat the feathers of other chickens. I do have rooster and he is doing some of the top damage but bellies and butt damage are from him. My hens grew theirs back just before winter, but now are without. I live in the city limits but have all these girls at my work on the Mississippi river Batcher. I do have three very pretty(all the time) hens in my small back yard that never lose alot of feathers. You cant even notice when they molt. Hope this helps & I Love my chickens.

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