help with bumblefoot


In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2020
Hi. My heritage skyline is 6 and she bumblefoot for the first time ever. I have been bathing her feet in Epsom salts and applying smiles prid. For about 3 days. I'm not sure how long to use the smiles prid for. I was going to try and remove the core tomorrow. Is there a certain method? Should I soak her feet in Epsom salts before attempting to remove the infection?


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The first thing I would do is try to remove the plug. To do so, soak her feet in warm water and epsom salt for 10-15 minuets. Than flip her over on her back with a towel over her head. In the soak the plug or scab should have loosened. You can now try to wiggle the plug and get it to release from her foot, and pull it out. Sometimes it come right out, but sometimes it is a slow process. Try to wiggle it and see how attached it is after 10 minuets, then pull a bit. Her should be little blood, so id you see blood as you are pulling, then put her back in the bath for another 10 minuets. If you are seeing progression with the plug loosening keep soaking her and the water will soften the plug. If there is no progression and the plug will no budge then wrap her foot in vetrycin and neosporin and we will decide the next corse of action form there. If plug does come out there will be a hole in the pad. Fill the hole with neosporin and vetrycin, cover with gause and wrap in vet wrap. Tell me how it goes, and try this before surgery. Good luck again, Avery
Hi Avery.
Thanks for your help. I have been watching videos on YouTube and it's exactly like you say. Imy in England and couldn't get neOspringe. I have bought brulidine which is our version as I understand! Will let you know how I get on.

Hi. So we attempted to remove the plug this afternoon after soaking her feet twice in Epsom salts . The plug was not too hard to remover but was expecting a lot of pus to be inside but there wasn't much. Ot did bleed as ypubsaid it would. I cleaned away all that I could see and sprayed with vetericyn . I applied brulidine and some gauze and wrapped her foot with vet wrap (pink camo). We took photos. See attached.
She seems happy enough and she was more than happy to be fed mealworms afterwards. We covered the perch with padding for her to sleep comfortably .


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Hi Avery. Do you think her foot looks ok then? I was worried that there may have been more infection left in there. I will keep an eye on it and scanned the dressing every 2/3 days. Maybe I caught it early enough that it wasn't too bad infection? I did have a video but I couldn't attach it to the thread.?
Thanks again Avery.

Alison and clucky x
It looks great! Did you use a scalpel to remove the bumble? Is so, it will generally be more open and "gory" if you must, but as long as you keep applying the ointment I think you are on the road to recovery! Just continue to check on any scab that might form over the wound, because you want to make sure that a bumble doesn't from again. I have seen much worse bumblefoot on this site, so yours is looking pretty good! I would check your ladies ounce a month to check for any minor cases. Keep up the good work, Avery
Avery that's really reassuring. No scalpel used. just wore gloves and pulled at it with fingers and then used sterile tweezers. Keeping my fingers crosseductive. That she is on the mend. đź‘Ť

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