Help with chicken - acts egg bound but no egg????

I had this EXACT Same problem with my hen! Your hen has a tape worm! That's what the long white string was!

For days my hen was perching a lot, sleeping a lot, not eating much, not drinking at all, would do eveything on slow motion, droop her wings and have a messy behind. I kept asking on here, but got no helpful advice, but eventually figured it out. Keep her in a cage by herself, give her de-wormer and electrolytes in her water. She will start feeling normal in a snap an will poop the worm out in about a weeks span!

Hope I could help!

The second day my hen was sick I saw something stuck to her behind and the worm was trying to come out so I slowly pulled it, but it broke! Though it eventually died inside from de-wormer. She defecated it out.

Good luck to you and your hen!
I had this EXACT Same problem with my hen! Your hen has a tape worm! That's what the long white string was!
For days my hen was perching a lot, sleeping a lot, not eating much, not drinking at all, would do eveything on slow motion, droop her wings and have a messy behind. I kept asking on here, but got no helpful advice, but eventually figured it out. Keep her in a cage by herself, give her de-wormer and electrolytes in her water. She will start feeling normal in a snap an will poop the worm out in about a weeks span!
Hope I could help!
The second day my hen was sick I saw something stuck to her behind and the worm was trying to come out so I slowly pulled it, but it broke! Though it eventually died inside from de-wormer. She defecated it out.
Good luck to you and your hen!
What wormer did you use? If you used Wazine, it was not a tapeworm, it was a roundworm.
I forgot what it was called... No it wasnt wazine it was something else from tsc

I don't think that TSC sells wormers for chickens that get tapeworms. Last I looked, they only sold Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, and Piperazine. I guess if you used Zimecterin Gold horse paste, that would kill tapes.
We are having similar/the same problems with our modern game bantam at the moment, she's laid regularly and never been egg bound before, she looked quite fat and puffed up today and suddenly went downhill so fast, she began dropping her wings down and was seriously swollen at the back, she was dripping a clear fluid from her vent which eventually started having white flecks in it like it was poop, we got her straight in an epsom salt bath incase she was egg bound and called the vet, he saw her straight away and said to give her the baths for 10 mins at a time and rest her for 20 mins for 2-3 hours and see him again then, he isn't a poultry specialist and called around a few, no one will see her because its bank holiday (what a joke?!) he cant feel an egg inside her (he keeps chickens himself so he does have some knowledge of hens and treatments for them, he's also so caring and always researches everything he can to help your animal, i honestly cant recommend him highly enough- Rory Lydon from Lydon Veterinary centre in Kingstanding, Birmingham, UK if anyone lives near and is looking for a vet that REALLY does care!) he gave her a small injection of pain killers and anti inflammitories but not one that would make her more drowsy as she already couldn't keep her eyes open and said to keep giving her food and water, by syringe if need be, give her lots of loves and treats, basically anything to keep her semi-alert, comfortable, happy and keep her spirits up, at the vets she was half dead in my arms, during the baths she was half dead, leaning on me completely, seemed to have no energy but was always straining like she was trying to lay, the inside of her vent was appearing and we thought she may end up prolapsing before anyone could see her, she was tipped almost all the way over onto her head, I had to support her completely, The vet managed to get us an appointment to see a specialist vet tomorrow who is supposed to be more of an expert in exotic animals (but doesn't care enough to see her now even though its clearly an emergency!) and she's just got to see the night out and hope she can get some help but... not too long after the injection she's become more alert and is eating and drinking and standing up straighter, she was almost tipping on her face before but now seems more stable, she's still a bit wobbly on her legs but as im typing this she flew up onto my hand! so from half dead to this is a massive improvement and I do have hope now, they have not long been wormed (last 2 weeks) with Flubenvet so I would recommend more than anything to get your chicks to the vets and get them a pain killer/anti-inflam injection straight away when they have these symptoms, its worked wonders and ill update what they think it is tomorrow when we have seen the specialist, but its looking promising for her to last until then now and not 2 hours ago she seemed hours from death, she's currently snuggled up with her 2 sisters ready for bed and has eaten and drank (we give them poultry drink and poultry apple cider vinegar in their water too) she's got her bum slightly raised still and her wings are drooped slightly but the gunk seems to have dried from her vent so I have hope that she will make it, Im so sorry for all your losses that didn't make it and hope this is helpful if your baby is suffering the same symptoms, no clue what the cause is yet but the injection has certainly perked her up and seems to have eased the pain which can only be a good thing! xxxxxx
Well we let her go to bed with her sisters as they had already cuddled up together and in the morning she had laid a soft shelled egg! She WAS egg bound but with a softie, she never lays them and im sure without the anti inflammatory injection we would have lost her, she was trying so hard to lay it and as shes so small it must have been making her a bit swollen inside, she certainly felt swollen on the outside! but with the injection she managed and was ok, she went to the specialist who gave her antibiotics in her water just incase any yolk leaked out inside her and she was in perfect health apparently but once the injection wore off (it lasts for 12 hours) she started some of the same symptoms again and her wings dropped slightly and she was tipping forward, puffed out and quiet again but after a few hours she perked up again and was eating and cuddling with her sisters and this morning shes perfect again! It must have been slightly swollen inside still and just 20 mins after it had worn off she started having the same symptoms but luckily she seems ok, so i am BEGGING you please if your bird has these symptoms go to the vet and get her some anti inflammatories and pain killers as im positive thats what saved her, even if it hadnt of she was soooo much happier, more comfortable and in a lot less pain for 12 hours so it was worth it just for that aspect but im sure more birdies can survive the odd soft shelled egg this way, im convinced our baby would have died without the help it gave her to relax and take the swelling down so she could pass it, i hope that our experience give you some hope that your baby can be saved too if she goes down with these symptoms, my baby girl is currently stuffing down porridge and digging in the garden! :D so shes made a miraculous recovery and I really hope yours does too <3 xxx

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