Help with colour & sex please!!

Susies Zoo

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 3, 2013
Kingston ON Canada
I have 2 lovley Wynandottes howevever could someone be able to tell me what colour they will be when they grow up and if they are male female. They are 8 or 9 weeks old-thanks!
Wow a splash! That's kinda cool!! What's not cool is that he might be a roo :( I already have 2 and really don't want any more! I had to give my other 2 Roos away because they fought, and these 2 are never apart so if 1 goes they both go I guess. Of course I will wait till he feathers out because I want to see how georgous he will be......and of course if I wait that long I will likely keep him lol!! Oh my decisions, decisions!!

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