Help with Diatomaceous Earth powder


11 Years
May 15, 2008
I went to the farmers co-op yesterday and bought DE while I was there,just because I recalled it mentioned here alot. Now I am reading there are differant kinds, can you tell me if this one is safe Its safer brand D-E plus 77.69% silicone dioxide from DE and 22.31% other ingrediants, it is OMRI listed. As far as warnings it just says eye irratation and breathing in dust. I'm also reading people dust there pets with it can I put it on my cats and dogs? It says on stoage and disposal area: Do not contaminate water,food or feed by storage so does that mean I can use it to dust but make sure its not near food or water and it will be safe?
If it says that on it it definately is NOT food grade! You will have to keep it away from where they are liable to pick at it as well. Not knowing what the other 22% ingredients are, I am not sure what I would put it on. I'll try to find more info on it for you!
Thats what I was thinking but I just went to saferbrand website and found the same bag for sale and it said safe for children and pets so Im all confused. Thanks so much for replying. I tryed calling the phone number on the bag but its sunday so they are closed.
As far as I can see it has an additional insecticide in it and I wouldnt put it around any animal. It indicates a "slight" toxicity potential and I personally would be hesitant to use it. Others might disagree with me though. Hope this helps you!
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