Help with Doxycyline dosing...


8 Years
Jun 1, 2016
Corrales, New Mexico
Hoping there is someone out there that can help me with some dosages, I've been searching everywhere, not finding much but what I do seems to contradict.

Looking for both individual bird dosage and flock (drinking water) dosing.
Thanks!! :)
Thanks for that link---I was actually searching for that info yesterday and couldn't find it, definitely bookmarking it!!

Unfortunately doxycycline is different that oxytetracycline. My vet diagnosed my birds with chlamydiosis, gave my sickest one an injection of doxy but essentially told me I'm one my own to figure out how to treat the rest of them. Finally got my meds but can't find a reliable dose :he:he

Maybe @casportpony ??
Thanks for that link---I was actually searching for that info yesterday and couldn't find it, definitely bookmarking it!!

Unfortunately doxycycline is different that oxytetracycline. My vet diagnosed my birds with chlamydiosis, gave my sickest one an injection of doxy but essentially told me I'm one my own to figure out how to treat the rest of them. Finally got my meds but can't find a reliable dose :he:he

Maybe @casportpony ??
Which product did you buy? Call your vet back and ask how many mg/kg you should use, then let us know what she/he said.

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