Help with hatching button quail!!


5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
This is my first time ever hatching anything and I decided to try to hatch button quail, it was going great until... The first one that hatched drowned in the water dish I set in there to raise humidity over night.
I opened the incubator to take its body out and the water dish it drowned in. There are still 14 eggs in there that have not hatched and I'm worried they won't! Its day 19 and I'll be throwing them out tomorrow morning if they don't hatch tonight! Do you think they have any chance of hatching? The humidity is 67% and temp 99.9. Oh and I do not hear peeping nor is there any pips. and if nothing hatches think I should even try again?
Give them several more days. I have seen them hatch out at day 21! so patience. Use a sponge for extra water and you can even locate it under a air vent so you can just use a turkey baster to add water through the vent hole without opening the incubator. Give them some extra time it would be awful to crack them open and find you killed them all. Do remove the chicks, to a brooder, as soon as they dry they need food and water sooner then most quail.
Good luck.

PS I am in Colorado too!
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Okay I will! I have 2 extra sponges in there, I can't put any water in the water vent without removing the eggs so I'm using like 4 sponges at the moment. I think the first 1 to hatch dying really discouraged me I hope they hatch! I'll post pictures or post on this thread if they do! Thank you so much!

PS Cool! Colorado is very nice and pretty I love living here though many of my neighbor would disagree lol.

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