
❤️ Exodus 20:8-11 ❤️
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Mar 5, 2019
SE Missouri, USA
Why is my hen laying a bloody egg? It doesn't happen every day, or even very often, but every oce in a while I will get an egg with a ring or a smear of blood around it. Can any of you tell me what this means or if I need to worry about it?

Sometimes this is like skid marks, as if the hen's vent bled as the egg came through. Do hens get hemorrhoids???All the hens in this flock are at least two years old, and all are experienced layers.

There are five BOs, 2 years old, 2 EEs and an OE, all of uncertain age now but perhaps about 4 or 5 years old.

There are 2 roosters. The coop master is 3 or 4 years old and good with the hens and with most people (I discovered recently he will charge my 12-yo boy at feeding time but we are working on that. The boy lets the roo intimidate him). The roo appears to be a BR. He has a son, hatched last year, out of one of the EEs. We are keeping him to take on some of the younger girls coming on. They do not fight since the younger accepted his status as a bachelor (he tries sometimes but the girls do not accept him), and he is not people- aggressive. At all.

So, having said all that... in my mind I do not think the roosters are hurting the girls. What else should I consider? I do not know which hen is having the bloody egg, and it happens only on occasion. Suggestions welcome!
Why is my hen laying a bloody egg? It doesn't happen every day, or even very often, but every oce in a while I will get an egg with a ring or a smear of blood around it. Can any of you tell me what this means or if I need to worry about it?

Sometimes this is like skid marks, as if the hen's vent bled as the egg came through. Do hens get hemorrhoids???All the hens in this flock are at least two years old, and all are experienced layers.

There are five BOs, 2 years old, 2 EEs and an OE, all of uncertain age now but perhaps about 4 or 5 years old.

There are 2 roosters. The coop master is 3 or 4 years old and good with the hens and with most people (I discovered recently he will charge my 12-yo boy at feeding time but we are working on that. The boy lets the roo intimidate him). The roo appears to be a BR. He has a son, hatched last year, out of one of the EEs. We are keeping him to take on some of the younger girls coming on. They do not fight since the younger accepted his status as a bachelor (he tries sometimes but the girls do not accept him), and he is not people- aggressive. At all.

So, having said all that... in my mind I do not think the roosters are hurting the girls. What else should I consider? I do not know which hen is having the bloody egg, and it happens only on occasion. Suggestions welcome!
That has happened on occasion with mine. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it starts happening regularly.

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