** Help with Mallard Durkling!! **


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Nor Cal
I have two mallard ducklings that are a week old, and have been doing great! But one today I ntoiced at about noon started breating sort of through her beak. Her beak opens then closes, opens then closes. She acts totally normal, running around, playing in water, eating. It almost like she has water in her nose. She gets a drink and then kind of sneezes and you can hear water. When she sleeps she stops the beak thing. Should I be worried? Has anyone experinenced this? Should I call a bird specialist? PLEASE HELP! I know I am kind of freaking out, but I had two ducklings last year and they both died, so I just doint have good luck with ducks! But I have been praying that these duckligns will both make it. Thank you!
It may just be a clogged nostril give them a swim and see if it can clear it out. They can also pant when they are too warm- but this sounds more lik the nostril is a bit clogged if she is kind of sneezing when she drinks.
First off, the water thing is completely normal. That's just them snorting, and cleaning their nose. The opening beak is (in my case) normal, also. They only do it for about 10 minutes at a time, but it sounds exactly like what you're talking about. Nothing to worry about!
Ok, they also have pine shavings for bedding. Should I change this? They are a week old, can I let them swim at this age?
Ahh! good! It makes me feel so much better to be reassured that it is OK! But I will still let them play in the bath tomorrow
. Do you think they are too young to get a swim?

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