Help with my homemade incubator please!

Maybe a sign to let them know? Or maybe they want to swap? Found any hawk babies among your broodies?

I candles my eggs today. I can see shadows in all three and air spaces in all three. I guess the question is, are there babies in them or did I hard boil them... I've tried taking pictures as per request, but can't find the cable for my camera! Darn dh for being unable to stay organized!
Maybe a sign to let them know? Or maybe they want to swap? Found any hawk babies among your broodies?

I candles my eggs today. I can see shadows in all three and air spaces in all three. I guess the question is, are there babies in them or did I hard boil them... I've tried taking pictures as per request, but can't find the cable for my camera! Darn dh for being unable to stay organized!

Only chickens I got that look like hawks are my Americaunas. It sounds like you do have something in the eggs.But whatever you do watch your temp to make sure your not roasting them.When you find your cable for the cam o hook up to pc then you can post, But to me it sounds as if you do have some chicks in there.Keep up the good work.
Thanks Florida! I have an attack guard cat I could loan you. Shed eat hawks in a heartbeat and she can be bribed to protect chickens with scrambled eggs every once in a while! I am so sorry the hawk got your babies! I'd love to free range mine if I had the property but I'd be terrified at the same time. We probably have similar predators as you here in NC. Minus the alligators of course! At least where we are! How big is your flock?
I have about 60 chickens & counting. Alot of my Americauana's look like hawks so your cat might get confused and go after my chickens too
None of them are laying yet.I hatch them out when I have enough eggs.
Are they all Aruacanas? I have the darndest time deciding which kind of chickens I want. Maybe that's a condition of chicken math? The locally owned feed store I get many of my chicks from told me we aren't allowed to ship in Araucanas anymore due to state regulations. Something about breeders putting dye into mixed birds so they can sell them as Auracanas. Sounded odd to me!
WOW I've never heard of that 1. But I have Americaucanas, Buff Orpingtons,Barred Rocks,Rhode Island Reds,Light Brahmas & Blue Silkies. I'm gonna have to slow down on letting people bring their unwanted hens to me & slow down on incubating them. Well cause of the heat their not laying as many now.But I have this 1 buff Orpington that comes to me everytime I go out there & she always the 1st one to jump in my lap.
I haven't been able to find anything online about it either.

Lap? Yours sit in your lap? Mine like my back of shoulder, and they are LFs! I can't even lean over to pick up the waterer for a refill without picking up a hitchhiker! I might have to send mine to you for manners training!
As long as they are laying, send them on down.
I only have 2 that are laying right now, I hope in a month or two I'll have them all laying but it's so hot here.I would love to have some more Silkies. If you know of anyone selling fertile eggs of silkies let me know with a decent price.
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I've never bought hatching eggs before but I do know Elite Silkie sells hers online. She's the one who was giving away 6 eggs to the person who correctly guessed her final gap for the summer semester. The pictures of her birds are beautiful. What is a good price for hatching eggs?

Unfortunately I only have one layinging right now. The rest aren't old enough. Close, but a couple more weeks before they start. The heat hasn't effected my lone laying hen at all! She just keeps on trucking four days on and one day off. For her sake I hope the others don't mature too slow, she needs someone else to share the roosters attention!
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Omg well I got mini fridge today But got 2 for 1 But only 1 turner at the moment.Cost for the fridge is $10 and the guy told me he had 1 that didn't work so he brought it over too.
So if I can hatch out atleast 50 pullets I'll be able to sell them to the feed store next door. But I just hope I don't get more roos than pullets.But the fridge-a-bator is in progress of being built Starting tomorrow.Looking to get plexiglass tomorrow.
Got 2 more chickens a lady is bringing over tomorrow.Got 25 Silkies comming next week.They are easy to sell.But they cost more.
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