Help with mystery death...


Crossing the Road
Jul 13, 2017
Northport WA
ill start from the beginning... my button hen hatched out six chicks and all are happy and healthy... one egg was zipped, and the membrane dried so I assisted the hatch. all looked well from wed-fri... and that's when I noticed one was smaller and walked with its chest really low to the ground..... I was worried... I was going to give some nutria drench, but I couldn't find it and then I had to leave for town, but I never suspected it was going to be as serious as it was... I figured it just needed some vitamins and then it would be fine... I guess not:( when I got home all looked I went to bed when I heard chirping.. like persistent soft chirping from the momma.... I got up and saw something laying on its side beside her as she was chirping to it..... the momma knew :hiti picked it up and then I really new something was up... it had its legs sticking strait backwards and the back of its head was looking strait up and staring :hit at this point I started to cry.... so I got on here as fast as I could, but no one was able to help...:hit:hit:hit I tried to force down some water, and it looked like it was trying to drink, but then it started gasping and every time it did there was clicking noises:hit it was on its side gasping, then it went into a short seizure:hit then it was calm and breathing slowly.. so I sat there with it in my hand praying that it would have peace and telling it I loved it and stroked it lightly as it died in my hands:hit:hit:hit:hiti felt so helpless:hit I need to name it for its gravestone:(:hit this all happened at 12pm last night... please help so it doesn't happen again:hit
So sorry to hear, it's always hard to lose them. Sometimes babies are just not strong enough to make it all the way to adulthood. When there is a problem with their system, as they grow, it puts too much strain on the organs and they "fail to thrive". If the other babies are doing well and growing normally, it sounds like this little one falls into that category. Don't beat yourself up, I'm sure there was little or nothing you could do here.
So sorry to hear, it's always hard to lose them. Sometimes babies are just not strong enough to make it all the way to adulthood. When there is a problem with their system, as they grow, it puts too much strain on the organs and they "fail to thrive". If the other babies are doing well and growing normally, it sounds like this little one falls into that category. Don't beat yourself up, I'm sure there was little or nothing you could do here.
They are right. I am sorry for your loss and I'll pray for the others.
So sorry to hear, it's always hard to lose them. Sometimes babies are just not strong enough to make it all the way to adulthood. When there is a problem with their system, as they grow, it puts too much strain on the organs and they "fail to thrive". If the other babies are doing well and growing normally, it sounds like this little one falls into that category. Don't beat yourself up, I'm sure there was little or nothing you could do here.
thank you:hugs I just buried her.:(

They are right. I am sorry for your loss and I'll pray for the others.
thank you:hugs

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