Help with soundproofing

From the website:

This coop is a mere 18 square feet -- room for 4 1/2 chickens. :(

It has no meaningful ventilation because the windows are positioned to blow directly on the roost, forcing you to close them just when ventilation is most necessary.

If you haven't made the purchase yet it would be much better to build a coop yourself or to buy a shed and convert it. :)

How many chickens do you have?
Oh, yes I know it’s tiny. And I was planning to add more ventilation to it. Currently I’ve only got a trio. I wouldn’t have more than 3 or 4 where I’m living now.

Darlin, I don’t have the skills/tools to build a coop from scratch. ;) I was actually using a old converted shed, but it was just getting too worn over the years. I’m going to put in a cute gardening shed and then the new smaller coop to enjoy all my outdoor hobbies. Thank you for responding.
Landscaping may provide better sound reduction than what you will be able to do with a prefab coop. Hedges, shrubs, and privacy fences can muffle sounds, and provide a visual barrier so your birds don't see outside activities, which can cause extra "talking".

For the price of a prefab, you can build a better quality coop with double the space.
All you crafty people are making me feel bad I can’t build my own. I’m scared to death of using a power saw, or anything like that. I’ve never used those kinds of tools. But I can assemble furniture and things that are precut and ready to drill, nail, or glue.
I am also on the “build your own“ team. (Or use a repurposed shed) Also if your set up is large enough that your birds will be happily confined until slightly later in the day (like 8:00ish) just having them inside will muffle the potential noise until an “acceptable hour”.
I am also on the “build your own“ team. (Or use a repurposed shed) Also if your set up is large enough that your birds will be happily confined until slightly later in the day (like 8:00ish) just having them inside will muffle the potential noise until an “acceptable hour”.
I’m wanting something a bit smaller then a shed this time around, because I’d like to put in a new gardening shed as well. 2 are pretty quiet, 1 likes to sing her heart out. 😂
I had never built anything before but got some help from two friends to make something very basic. We had the majority of the wood cut while at Home Depot and were able to make a 8x4x6 box style run (I only have 3 bantams) and I repurposed a dog house for the coop. This is after I bought and resold a prefab that they grew out of.

I live in the city so am always looking for sound proofing recommendations too. My girls get pretty cackly in the morning when they want let into the yard. I’ve tried sound proofing blankets and they reduce the sound very slightly—I hang them around two sides of the run when they go to bed and take them down in the morning.
I have the large. Don't bother getting the medium, unless you'll only have 5 Chickens or 8 Bantams.
My large is good for up to 7 or 11 in my opinion, half their numbers.
As far as noise, the coop is well built with thick walls and and an insulated roof.
It muffle's noise very well, even with windows open, probably due to the window screens, which gets dirty quickly. I clean frequently with a brush.
I added extra ventilation and it's still quiet.

ETA; I had 7 Barred Rocks in it.
All you crafty people are making me feel bad I can’t build my own. I’m scared to death of using a power saw, or anything like that. I’ve never used those kinds of tools. But I can assemble furniture and things that are precut and ready to drill, nail, or glue.

For $1300 I suspect you could find someone to build you something. Do you have any relatives/friends who are handy with tools?

Many of the coops in the BYC Coop Pages include plans.
I suppose you’re right, I shouldn’t waste effort. It’s just I’ve had such a good thing going for years, you know? I don’t want new neighbors to potentially rock the boat, and I don’t want them to think I don’t care about them.
I think it’s great you’re thinking about your neighbors and being considerate. How about talk to the new neighbors, when/if they come. When you introduce yourself with those fresh eggs, as suggested by @3KillerBs, let them know they can talk to you if it’s too loud, etc.

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