Help with soundproofing

I had never built anything before but got some help from two friends to make something very basic. We had the majority of the wood cut while at Home Depot and were able to make a 8x4x6 box style run (I only have 3 bantams) and I repurposed a dog house for the coop. This is after I bought and resold a prefab that they grew out of.

I live in the city so am always looking for sound proofing recommendations too. My girls get pretty cackly in the morning when they want let into the yard. I’ve tried sound proofing blankets and they reduce the sound very slightly—I hang them around two sides of the run when they go to bed and take them down in the morning.
This is something I seriously considered, repurposing a dog house. I’ve been keep an eye on the craigslist listings to see if anything good comes arise. There was a cute barn style one, but it turned out it was sold awhile back and they forgot to remove the listing. Darn.

Then you know what I’m talking about being in the city, I’ve got 3 standards. A couple EE’s and a Buff Orpington. That Buff, she’s got some pipes, girl loves to chat up the others. If anyone is singing, she sings along. Is there a specific brand soundproofing blankets? Thank you for this tip. ;)
I think it’s great you’re thinking about your neighbors and being considerate. How about talk to the new neighbors, when/if they come. When you introduce yourself with those fresh eggs, as suggested by @3KillerBs, let them know they can talk to you if it’s too loud, etc.
I will absolutely do this. I just hope they aren’t the kind of folks always looking for something to complain about. It’s rare, but it’s happens. There’s always that one person that you can’t please no matter what you do, and that’s my worry.
This is something I seriously considered, repurposing a dog house. I’ve been keep an eye on the craigslist listings to see if anything good comes arise. There was a cute barn style one, but it turned out it was sold awhile back and they forgot to remove the listing. Darn.

Then you know what I’m talking about being in the city, I’ve got 3 standards. A couple EE’s and a Buff Orpington. That Buff, she’s got some pipes, girl loves to chat up the others. If anyone is singing, she sings along. Is there a specific brand soundproofing blankets? Thank you for this tip. ;)
Yes I definitely know what you’re talking about. I’ve bought two brands off Amazon and this one was the much better/thicker one.

Like I said—I think it helps slightly but wasn’t as impactful as I was hoping.
I have the large. Don't bother getting the medium, unless you'll only have 5 Chickens or 8 Bantams.
My large is good for up to 7 or 11 in my opinion, half their numbers.
As far as noise, the coop is well built with thick walls and and an insulated roof.
It muffle's noise very well, even with windows open, probably due to the window screens, which gets dirty quickly. I clean frequently with a brush.
I added extra ventilation and it's still quiet.View attachment 2589056View attachment 2589070View attachment 2589079
ETA; I had 7 Barred Rocks in it.
Currently, I’ve only got 3. Have been considering a 4th but wouldn’t jump into that until new neighbors move in and I know they are okay with it. I’m happy to hear this coop muffles sound well as it is, even with added ventilation. I see you’ve got lights, did you purchase the electrical kit or rig up your own?
I will absolutely do this. I just hope they aren’t the kind of folks always looking for something to complain about. It’s rare, but it’s happens. There’s always that one person that you can’t please no matter what you do, and that’s my worry.
Do you have roosters, or 50 chickens? Are chickens/roosters allowed where you live?
For $1300 I suspect you could find someone to build you something. Do you have any relatives/friends who are handy with tools?

Many of the coops in the BYC Coop Pages include plans.
I don’t know anyone personally. And honestly, I don’t know how to go about finding someone reliable otherwise.
I put in my own, I used to be a maintenance person in a factory.

I also added ventilation.

No, no roosters. Only 3 chickens, and yes they are allowed. It’s just not a real big chicken community, and you never know with new neighbors.
You never know with new neighbors, but I doubt 3 chickens would be a problem - especially when you’re allowed to have them. I think it’s best to try and keep a balance between being a good neighbor, and knowing your own rights.
It’s usually good to have open communication with your neighbors, but that doesn’t mean you have to make unnecessary changes, or do whatever someone else says. There’s many ways you can approach this; some may feel no need to talk to the new neighbors at all. I hope you find a reasonable resolution, and hopefully you’ll get some neighbors as considerate as yourself 😊

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