help with vitamins and electrolytes


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
I would like to add vitamins and electrolytes to my chicken water but don't know how to break down the ratio.
I got a 4 oz package from the feed store but they didn't know how to break this down for the right ratio.
Its 4 oz to 128 gallons of water.
I only have 4 chickens and have a 3 gallon waterer.
I'm afraid to add too much or too little.
Does anyone know how to break this down correctly?
It says it's only good for 3-4 days so I can't make more than will be used in that time.
Thank you Jim,
I am not sure if this is the correct site to respond to you.
Thanks again
pips&peeps :

Electrolytes are not necessary on a daily basis and can do more harm than good.

I agree! I only use them in the dog days of summer, i.e., temps over 90 to 100.​
my chickens are laying small eggs and they are over a year old.
The person at the feed store told me to give them this and it might help.
What else can I do to get them to lay larger eggs?
They are over a year and the eggs are like pullets.
Thank you
If that is 4 liquid ounces, it would be about 1/2 tsp. to 3 gallons. Sounds pretty concentrated. I would err on the side of skimpy!

(One tsp. to 5.33 gallons, actually.)
What breed are they? That could make a difference in the size of their eggs. My chickens are almost a year old and lay (FAT) medium sized eggs, but that's what I expected from their breed.

ETA: Here's the link to Henderson's chicken chart. You can compare the egg sizes most common to a breed there:
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Thanks everyone for your help.
I will try to answer all of your questions as mine has been answered through you.

I was talking about a 4 oz of dry measure for 128 gal of water for breakdown but have already gotten my ratio and thanks for that.

My chickens are RIR and thanks for the site for the egg sizes.
I guess maybe they are not as small as I think.
Thank you
I know leghorns are great for size but you can't make a pet out of them as they don't want to be bothered and are very noisy.

When and why do you want to add vitamins and electrolites to the water?
If not adding electrolites what about adding vitamins?

I was told to put some wood ash in the sand for a dust bath.
Is that correct?

What is good to add to the bedding to help with the fleas?
I use to use tabacco but not sure if it's best.

Thanks again everyone.

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