Help With Worming


9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
Mary Valley QLD.
I have had ducks for a while now and have never wormed them, but a couple of my ducks have started coughing, and seem short of breath! I really need some advice on a wormer. I have Avitrol plus it does Threadworm, Caecalworm, roundworm, gapeworm, gizzardworm and tapeworm. Are there any others that I should also be worming for? Can you directly administer wormer to each individual bird? And if you just give a solution how do you know if they are getting to much or too little? It seems to be ornamental cage bird specific (not mentioning poultry on it) but the front just reads bird wormer syrup concentrate, would this be OK? Any help would be great.
I use a similar "ornamental bird" wormer for my ducks. The guy at the feed store told me it was fine to use rather than buy the huge bottle of wormer more specific for poultry as it was just too large a container for my few ducks. We worked out how much to give them by converting the dose and rather than putting it in drinking water I give them 3mls straight into the beak. My container has the label falling Im not too sure what the brand is any more - Unsure if what I do actualy works- but I have never seen evidence of my ducks having worms.
I have also mixed it in water at a higher than required dose from the instructions on the bottle and withheld water overnight so they are thirsty in the morning and go straight for the water. A little harder to know if they are getting the correct dose - But ducks are ony given preventative doses.
I just spoke to Holderread's about this because I am wanting to worm everyone before we can use Ivermectin pour-on or Eprinex and worm the as you do chickens.... Eprinex has no egg withdrawal, Ivermectin does ...grown ducks 1/4 cc (4 - 6) drops on the back at the base of the neck....repeat in 10 kills gape worm and is a broad spectrum...yo can get ivermectin at the feedstorm in a small 2 ml bottle for around $15 or so.
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Thanks for the info guys. I have some stuff that I use for my finches it is called Cydectin and I put one drop on the back of the neck..... maybe I could use this?

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