

Oct 6, 2018
In need of some more advice. One of my young roosters was acting very lethargic this morning when I let everyone out. He didn’t move, just stood there with his eyes closed. I got very worried and took him inside to keep an eye on him. I noticed he had a sour crop and I massaged it, then he vommitted everywhere. It was yellow. After that he had more energy but I kept him inside anyway. I noticed a bit later he wasn’t showing any improvement. His nose is very runny, hes sneezing, he won’t eat or drink, and he won’t move. He doesn’t seem to be struggling to breathe, and his beak is closed so he isnt gasping for air. I also havent noticed any swelling in his face or purpling in his comb and wattles. None of my other chickens have shown any of these symptoms. Help?!
Sour crop can occur if the chicken is suffering from some other ailment and they take a hit to their immune system, in this case, a respiratory illness could be behind it. Here is information I put down in an article so folks will know what to do for crop disorders. It will explain how to treat sour crop.

Tip: you do not want to make a chicken vomit and massaging a sour crop will usually make a chicken vomit. It's too easy for the sour fluid to get into the airway. Crop massage isn't one of the things I would recommend for sour crop, although it's necessary to help clear an impacted crop.

Was your rooster having respiratory symptoms before you massaged his crop, or did you notice the discharge from his beak afterward? It could be the reason for the respiratory symptoms if you only noticed it after he vomited. If his respiratory symptoms don't go away or they get worse, you may need to treat him with Tylan, found at most feed stores.
Sour crop can occur if the chicken is suffering from some other ailment and they take a hit to their immune system, in this case, a respiratory illness could be behind it. Here is information I put down in an article so folks will know what to do for crop disorders. It will explain how to treat sour crop.

Tip: you do not want to make a chicken vomit and massaging a sour crop will usually make a chicken vomit. It's too easy for the sour fluid to get into the airway. Crop massage isn't one of the things I would recommend for sour crop, although it's necessary to help clear an impacted crop.

Was your rooster having respiratory symptoms before you massaged his crop, or did you notice the discharge from his beak afterward? It could be the reason for the respiratory symptoms if you only noticed it after he vomited. If his respiratory symptoms don't go away or they get worse, you may need to treat him with Tylan, found at most feed stores.
Thank you for this, but he passed away a bit ago. I will use this for future reference.

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