
In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2018
About 3 Days ago my dads small yorkie took a bite of feathers out of my buff Orpington’s fluffy butt. I thought it was just feathers... today I can tell it’s worse than I thought and it looks infected... like she got more than feathers.

Since her feathers are missing, she can’t get on the roost to stay warm so I put her up there with everyone at night and she jumps down in the morning.

I noticed while putting her on the roost, her skin looks infected and there appears to be pus :(

What can I do for her? Our vet doesn’t do chickens. Can you purchase antibiotics somewhere?
A picture certainly would help. I agree with getting the infected area cleaned. Some possible things to use are Vetericyn, chlorhexidene and water, weak betadine, or soap and water. Plain saline works well, once the pus is gone. Apply plain antibiotic cream such as Neosporin twice a day until it is healed. The other chickens may peck the wound, so it might be best to place her in a dog crate with her own food and water, and keep her inside the coop with the other chickens, so she can remain with them. Make sure there are no other puncture wounds.

Much to my husbands dismay, I brought the chicken inside to recover I cleaned the wound, applied an antibiotic and although her tail feathers and still gone, she can now fly to the roost again!

My husband said the next time I bring a chicken in the house, it better be a fried chicken

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