
Lol... I had a husband once who didn't "get" it ... I told HIM he could give the dog people food if he was willing to clean up the puke and diarrhea later. It only took once. I am an evil woman. :oops:
That's what I would tell people who wanted to give my dogs people food.
You are brilliantly no nonsense :highfive:
it’s a rectangle shaped coop with wood on each side, and a wood roof, the door has hardware cloth on it and a kinda hard to open latch. the bottom is all dirt and the structure of it is very strong. would just putting wood as the flooring prevent predators from getting in?

Depending on the size of your coop, a sheet of plywood that completely covers the floor could work pretty well (I'm thinking 1/2" or thicker.) A predator would first have to dig under the wall, then find a way through the wood--and getting through a single flat piece of wood is harder than if the animal has access to an edge.

Of course, a sheet of plywood in contact with the ground will rot at some point, so be prepared to replace it in a few years. You could put bedding (or even dirt) on top of the plywood, for the ducks' comfort.
Oh, No, you will lose your flock! You need to bury 1/4" hardware cloth a foot below the fenceline / surface and at least a foot out ... like an "L"
I did have predators dig under the wall of my coop and get in and kill a chicken. I did what others have suggested: placed hardware cloth on the dirt floor of the coop and ran it up the wooden walls a bit, the stapled the hardware cloth to the walls. I "sewed" the strips of cloth together with a wire so that there were no spaces to push through. On top of the hardware cloth, I put a lot of wood chips. Chickens don't walk directly on the hardware cloth, which is made of wires. I sleep so much better at night now...
I used to try haphazard stuff like that - cement blocks, piles of rocks, logs - but in the end installing that hardware cloth worked so much better. Besides, the logs and stuff just gave rodents more places to hide.

it would be outside the coop, so smaller rodents wouldn’t matter would they? and how far would i need to place the wood, like how long/far would a fox dig
would just putting fire wood (like logs) every place the fox could dig work?
As I've said, they will simply start by digging under the woodpile rather than the fence line. When they can't dig because of wire in the dirt and grass they eventually give u and look for an easier route. The idea is, don't give them an easier route.
As I've said, they will simply start by digging under the woodpile rather than the fence line. When they can't dig because of wire in the dirt and grass they eventually give u and look for an easier route. The idea is, don't give them an easier route.
what if i don’t have time to add the hardware cloth or anything underground? i can add the wood and easy things like that but don’t have that much time to do it
what if i don’t have time to add the hardware cloth or anything underground? i can add the wood and easy things like that but don’t have that much time to do it
I don't know what else to tell you. You asked how to protect your chickens. You were given advice. You asked about ideas you had instead of the advice you were given. You were given advice about that. Now you say you don't have time to take the advice you asked for. It sounds like you want us to say yeah go ahead, throw down wood and logs, that'll work. Sorry. Experience says no. You need to take time to care for your chickens before you suffer a horrible heartache. Adding "easy" things isn't taking care, certainty won't protect them.

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