

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
I am new to this chicken raising. I have 7 baby chicks but we went to an auction because I wanted some laying hens (I couldn't wait for my 7 chicks to start laying). I bought a Bantam and 2 RIR. I thought they were all laying hens. The Bantam clucks but has not laid any eggs and the 2 RIR are bigger then the Bantam but I noticed they still peep? I have no idea how old they are as they did not state this at the auction!
Welcome to BYC. Not quite sure what you want 'HELP' with, but laying hens generally stop laying for a period of time after being moved to a new home. Are the combs enlarged and red on the RIR? If not, they have not started to lay. Patience - they will lay.
My two, two and a half- month olds are still peeping...they do peep for quite a while. Here is general advice about bringing in new birds- I hope you find it useful.

Sometimes a hen will stop laying due to stress, such as moving things around inside the coop or moving to a new coop.There is also the possibility that she is older- I have never kept hens for too long at a time, but have read that the comb will show the age. If your hen has a bright, nice, red comb then she may be a younger hen and I would assume would start laying for you soon if her health is good.

I recommend that you dust your ones from aution for mites/lice also - now and in 7 days (if you see lice then do it again at 14 days also). I recommend poultry dust (permethrin) from the feed store. Chickens pick up mites and lice from wild birds and it is very common for them to have them- bringing in new birds it is important to get that possibility taken care of. Sometimes you cannot find mites but they or their eggs can still be there (personal experience).

Also inspect their legs and feet for raised scales (scaly leg mite) and treat this if you see it by dipping each leg daily in mineral oil or veg oil for 2 weeks. That will smother the mites.

Also inspect the poo for worms in a chicken from auction. It is a good idea to quarantine chickens for a month or so to look for respiratory disease (chickens don't get colds - they get diseases), so if you are set up to keep everyone separate for awhile, it is a good idea to do so.
Enjoy your chickens!
I guess I am wanting help with what age they are. At what age do they stop peeping and start clucking? I thought I was buying laying hens but they are still peeping.
Thanks for the helpful information! I will look for that powder at the feed store. My baby's are still in the brooder box in the garage and my new hens are in the coop that is brand new. So this should be good for the quarantine. the hens were sold together so they must have came from the same person. I am not planning on putting the baby's out there for a few weeks yet although it is getting a little crowded in the box. I am just hoping the RIR start laying soon although they are still peeping and I hope I did not buy an old hen ( the Bantam) because she is not laying and has no interest in the nest box. The RIR are bigger then the Bantam but they are still peeping.

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