My wife finally talked me into getting chickens. We have 3 and they are ready to move out of their brooder and into their coop. This is my first coop build and it’s definitely taken a lot longer then expected. Here’s the timeline and where I currently stand! Any feedback/advice for the interior?
Welcome to BYC! One question, why is the coop so tight against the fence? It seems like runoff from the roof would pour onto the fence possibly causing rotting from dampness. You put a lot of time and effort into this, good job. Love the nest boxes! Inside i would suggest a swing and perches. You will need some method to keep water from freezing in winter as well.
Personally, i like tall coops i can stand up in. I am getting to be too old to crawl around trying to get eggs laid on the floor.
Your build is going great, please keep us posted!
Wow, you are getting a lot done! Kid labor is great, sadly my kids are in FL.
I was wondering why you used metal for siding? I save mine for roofing. Looks like a good job all around.
The metal siding is part of the hubby's attempt to make them last longer than he does..... lol he wants something that is secure and has little to no maintenance. And He reasons that the metal reflects the heat.
The metal siding is part of the hubby's attempt to make them last longer than he does..... lol he wants something that is secure and has little to no maintenance. And He reasons that the metal reflects the heat.
Or absorbs the heat.... but i get low maintenance and durability. Plus mice can't chew through it. Nice of him to do all that building. If you read the early part of this thread, i built my coop while hubby was on vacation.
My turkey tractor will get the roof put on tomorrow, after we move it to its new location. 20180527_202025.jpg
The middle branch is a swing i just added. Hope they like it. 20180527_195737.jpg
Or absorbs the heat.... but i get low maintenance and durability. Plus mice can't chew through it. Nice of him to do all that building. If you read the early part of this thread, i built my coop while hubby was on vacation.
I know I am a blessed woman, he spends much time taking care of my wants and needs. That's not to say that I don't work equally as hard to get these projects done, he just knows more about building, and helps ensure they will work for my needs
I can finally use my puter again. was down Since Sat. morning.

I took some pictures of the AC project. will send them on my next post.

made it up to 93F here. first time it hit 90F in two years.

all the projects look nice. I agree with the metal siding.. I put metal on my garage. and vinyl almost everywhere else. cedar on just part of the house.


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