Sorry you're dog less. But no ticks is good.
I guess that's worse than Lyme, I hadn't heard of it.
Yeah, dogless is bittersweet.
Oh, they are probably around, I just don't go where they are....that I've seen anyway.
There are a half dozen tick borne diseases, not sure which are worse, hard to diagnose definitively. The 4-way test for dogs just showed antibodies for Anaplasmosis, meaning he could have had it then or in the past. The AB's he was given didn't do nuttin' for his symptoms(so not likely an active infection), and the vet was an idiot(long story).

Is there a count for IL like there was for MI?
Yeah, dogless is bittersweet.
Oh, they are probably around, I just don't go where they are....that I've seen anyway.
There are a half dozen tick borne diseases, not sure which are worse, hard to diagnose definitively. The 4-way test for dogs just showed antibodies for Anaplasmosis, meaning he could have had it then or in the past. The AB's he was given didn't do nuttin' for his symptoms(so not likely an active infection), and the vet was an idiot(long story).

Is there a count for IL like there was for MI?
I haven't seen a count. Early spring I was finding one or two a day crawling on me. Then I had some turkey hens jumping the fence looking for the perfect nest spot. I think they ate them, and I have gotten a DZ coons recently...33 in less than a year.... I think they drop them on their way. And it's been dry. So lack of ticks maybe a combination of things.
Hi, it's been a few days since I checked in.
I am dogless, too. Every once in a while I think that I would like to have on again. I ask Annie and she doesn't want one. All she remembers are the bad things about having a dog. I don't know what kind I would get if I did get one. It would be a mid sized one.

when I had dogs, they would go out while there was still snow on the ground and find a deer carcass. then they would come home with ticks on them.
I have not had guineas for a couple of years, but the ticks don't seem to have come back yet.
we had a pair of oriels and a pair of blue birds taking a bath in the puddle in the driveway at the same time..
I got one flat of strawberries planted. one more to go.
Not today, though. High in the low 40's. too cold to be planting for me.
Besides, yesterday I twisted my shoulder putting the wheel chair into the trunk. I think a day of rest is the best I can do for it.
Cappy, I wish I had your energy.
If I repeat myself, chalk it up to old age.
On Saturday it was in the high 70"s , no sun and a nice strong breeze. So I had a dry day to try to get something done outside.
I planted two potted pear trees. That wore me out. So I called my nephew and he came after work and planted the two bare root apple trees. I had dug the holes for the trees with the tractor bucket so there was a surplus of hole. I hauled four buckets of composted wood chips and Dan spread it out .
The perennial garden I am starting is over 250 feet from the house. Dan stretched water hosed down and we watered the trees in real good.
I had the apple trees heeled in the wheelbarrow for about two weeks. I covered them with potting soil that I had mixed in some Tomato Tone fertilizer.
When we planted the apple trees, they were both fully blossomed ..
Today we are finally getting a rainfall that is a rainfall. I can't do anything outside, but that is OK, We need the moisture.
the new rhubarb that we planted last fall is doing great. looks like all 28 plants came up. The garlic is about 30 inches tall. I never planted garlic before. I expected it to come up about knee high like onions.
I can't remember the last time we had rain.
Hubby is gone to get a part to try and fix his shower. I came in for a break because sweat was running down my face. Just trying to get the birds watered, and hubby shut down the water. Luckily I keep a lot of jugs I fill with water. Really trying to finish that coop. I need to build more grow out coops. Chicken math.
We had some rain today, at last!
And I worked a bit more on the bantam polish coop.

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