Cappy, we are going to have to start calling you Heidi..
Too bad about the little boy.
Sad, but if it had to be one of them...rather not lose girls. Buried him today in the goat pasture. And then pulled more weeds. I have a big pile of weeds i call Mt. Weedmore. Would love to burn it, but it needs to dry out some first.
The two girls are tiny but cute!
Everyone wants to buy the second one, even hubby likes it.
It would be hard to find a cuter baby than a goat kid.
Last year Annie waged war against burdock and thistles.
This year it looks like it paid off. Especially in the
areas where she can reach with the mower..
when our nephew was mowing for us, he mistook
burdock for rhubarb and he avoided cutting it.. lolol
Annie educated him..
Yesterday I finally got the last wood working machine
finished. the planer.. I waxed it and oiled all the moving
parts with 3 in 1 oil.
today I will build an outfeed table for the miter saw.

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