Our deck so far... 20170917_134505.jpg
I am a sucker for log cabins.
it is on my bucket list to build one.
nothing big, just maybe chicken coop size.
Play house size or something like that.

the deck is a good idea. you will be impressed on how much dirt will be left out on the deck instead of being tracked into the house.

I had help and got the first wall standing and braced.
I gave one of the helpers an old rail road pry bar I had. he has to come back and help me raise the other wall.
I got the bar fo nothing, so I am way ahead on this trade..

I am super tired today. got to bed way too late this morning.

time to take a nap and then watch the Packers beat Tampa.

Your very welcome. At least part of it was helpful. I don't really know anything about that kind of electric fence/barrier, but if it's for an outlet would need grounding.

Yes, we do have all of those predators too. I am talking about the small door between the coop and run is the one I leave open. I do have buried hardware cloth, so feel that it is "mostly" secure. But you are right, there is still a chance that something could dig in. When the weather cools more I will probably close it at night.

My run is completely open the girls are fenced in a run area in the back part is panels in with the roosting bars back there. So there is no opening or closing any coop. My dad is going to help me shelter the front of the rest area come winter but we are not going to put in a traditional Coop door. I like having the open space in open air for the girls. This past winter I had to use tarps to cover the run but now the run is completely roofed so that will help keep some of the weather out.
Nice Sheppie!
Yeah, i am a sucker for a pretty dog. Her dad won BOS at Madison Square Garden to the female GSD that took the show!
I had to convince the breeder that i would provide the best home for the dog. I bought her as a year old dog. She fit in with us right away. Once she gets her hips cleared at two years old we may have a litter. But i am hesitant because i am having such a hard time placing my Siamese kittens. People just don't want to pay the price for a quality animal here. I got a lot of calls, people want them until they hear they have to pay. Cripes, i paid $350 for my cat and people don't want to pay $200 for a kitten here. They are dewormed , have shots and raised indoors. Sorry, i get annoyed. Any way, i had momma spayed so no more kittens. I must say i have enjoyed raising these babies.
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Pure bred companion animals are another world, only viably marketable in certain circles...and many folks have no clue how much it costs to vet a pet.

My sheppie mix was a first dog 'child' of a couple that needed more attention after they had real kids. She was from an oops breeding....mama was full gsd, daddy was a mix of who knows what..maybe chow/st. bernard.
Pure bred companion animals are another world, only viably marketable in certain circles...and many folks have no clue how much it costs to vet a pet.

My sheppie mix was a first dog 'child' of a couple that needed more attention after they had real kids. She was from an oops breeding....mama was full gsd, daddy was a mix of who knows what..maybe chow/st. bernard.
View attachment 1139002
Interesting, i have never seen markings like that. How is her temperament? Chows can be nasty, bout lost my hand to one whose nails i was trimming.

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