Well, in my defense i will say i post on several threads and i forget who i told what to. And i have sleep apnea and my machine is busted so my brain does not get enough 02 at night. I hate to think how many brain cells have died. I have an appointment some time to see a sleep doctor, if i only knew when it is....
The workers finally showed up to work on the house for the first time this week. Of course, they will not show up tomorrow since it is Sunday. Can you tell i am annoyed?
Another overcast day. Should be nice weather for clearing a trail down to the new build site. Have a great day, everyone!
I worked for a guy who had about a dozen projects going at one time. I never knew from one day to the next where I would be working.
he was constantly, "putting out fires".

later on when I was working for myself.
I found myself with about four projects.
then, I was putting out fires..
I finally got all caught up and I told my wife, never again. ONE project at a time.
If people couldn't wait, they found someone else..
many of my projects were like a couple of weeks long..
sounds like your crew is putting out fires.

I got quite a bit done on the window frames today. the slope of the sill turned out to be exactly 10 degrees. I got those pieces cut.

I have to trim off about 1/4 inch on the two sashes along the bottom at 10 degrees..

then I can take a day and paint all the parts

I am going to wear surgical gloves the next time I paint. my hands were about raw from scraping that paint off yesterday..

Well, in my defense i will say i post on several threads and i forget who i told what to. And i have sleep apnea and my machine is busted so my brain does not get enough 02 at night. I hate to think how many brain cells have died. I have an appointment some time to see a sleep doctor, if i only knew when it is....
I have sleep apnea too and have not been able to sleep with my machine. My mask goes over my nose only, so since I can hardly breathe through my nose need a different style. My father and I are both going for a new sleep study next Wednesday night. Woohoo.
I have sleep apnea too and have not been able to sleep with my machine. My mask goes over my nose only, so since I can hardly breathe through my nose need a different style. My father and I are both going for a new sleep study next Wednesday night. Woohoo.
I have a full face mask and i can sleep well with it but it is stuck on full force instead of ramping up slowly. I just can't sleep when i feel like i am blowing up like a balloon. So now i have to get an appointment to get it fixed.
So today i worked more on clearing the land where the screen of hollies will go. I have most of the area free of most debris, i just need to rake. There is a big dead tree on the ground that is so rotten it is going to fall apart when it is moved. I will need gloves for that one since it has a big poison ivy vine on it. I did not get to start cutting trail today because husband wanted me to burn the big pile of debris we collected. It was a good challenge since we had 5 days of rain and everything is wet. I did manage to start it on my third try. I had to get a huge volume of tinder since even the paper did not want to burn. But i did get it going so now i am sitting outside watching it. The dogs seem to like it.
I have to just sit and relax because i can't see well enough to do any more work. What a pity. :lau
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So, before the Packers got beat into the ground, I went out to bring my paint is so it wouldn't freeze. as long as I was out there and had a little time, I cut a couple more frame pieces. I have just 3 side stops to cut to length and then I can start painting.

had lasagna for supper. extra tasty.
must have been the fresh tomatoes from the garden.

Jim, thanks for reminding me! I had not been thinking about the paint freezing. I will have to bring it in the house before first freeze.
Another day spent burning brush, and starting fires. However, i did start cutting the trail into the woods towards where the new hoop coop will go. Dragged a lot of old pine logs to the fire and burned them. Trimmed up low hanging branches and collected dead sticks for the fire. Plus cutting the underbrush and raking leaves aside so you can tell where the road is. I think i got about ten feet in. Hopefully i will get further tomorrow.
good morning,
I have been up for over an hour and have done nothing wrong, yet.

I got the window frame pieces laid out and ready for painting. I did not paint yesterday because the paint wouldn't have been dry before dusk. then it gets too cold.

I think I will set up in the shop for painting today.
I still have some pieces to make, but I am so anxious to get the windows in.. the other pieces can be added anytime later.

by Friday I have to get the potatoes dug.

we didn't get frost last night so the tomatoes are still ok.

Hey Jim, Sounds like you have been busy. Digging potatoes is hard work. Do you have lots of them? We just have sweet potatoes, and the vines are still nice and green.
I have not been feeling well with this ear infection so i slept in. Just got out of bed in fact.
Hoping to cut trail today if i can muster up the energy. Have a great day everyone.

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