@CapricornFarm, your hair length is very cute! Your before picture is about the length mine was before I had it hacked off.

Has anybody tried using the 'nightlight' sized lightbulbs mounted in a round cookie tin as a water heater? If so, what were the results?
@CapricornFarm, your hair length is very cute! Your before picture is about the length mine was before I had it hacked off.

Has anybody tried using the 'nightlight' sized lightbulbs mounted in a round cookie tin as a water heater? If so, what were the results?
I doubt it would produce enough heat to keep water thawed. They are predicting nasty wind chills here:(
Did you see the wax warmer bunny water warmers i made? That might work for chicken water.
@CapricornFarm, your hair length is very cute! Your before picture is about the length mine was before I had it hacked off.

Has anybody tried using the 'nightlight' sized lightbulbs mounted in a round cookie tin as a water heater? If so, what were the results?
somebody on here used car lights (not the headlight) and a battery.. not sure if it worked or not
@CapricornFarm, your hair length is very cute! Your before picture is about the length mine was before I had it hacked off.

Has anybody tried using the 'nightlight' sized lightbulbs mounted in a round cookie tin as a water heater? If so, what were the results?
I don't think those would be warm enough for keeping the water thawed! Use the appliance sized bulbs. I use either 40 or 60 watt depending on the weather, these days the 60's. And it sits inside the coop on bricks when it's below zero and the pop door is closed. Otherwise there is a bucket in the run with horizontal nipples and a birdbath heater.
No I didn't see those unless that was the one with the small metal bowl sitting in a frame?

I just went out to dump water bowls for the night and check for eggs before locking up. I had to laugh. I have a little Bantam cross pullet who has been 'thinking' about going broody for the last month or two. I'll catch her sitting on an egg or two but if I take them away from her and put her on the roost bar, she fusses but gets over it for a day or two before repeating. Tonight she was hovering over a lone egg in one of the nesting boxes like she was debating on whether or not it was worth her trouble. When I snatched the egg from under her I knew why. The thing was ice cold. No way she wanted to lower her belly down on that egg but she REALLY wanted to! So she just stood there with her chest lowered to within two inches of the egg but no lower. Needless to say she is back up on the roost bar tonight and the egg is sitting on the counter defrosting.

I had an interesting conversation with one of the guys who works at the local MFA Agri store where I buy my feed. They had just got in some heated dog water dishes. Not quite a gallon in size, about a 5 inch depth, 8 or 9 inches across. I asked them what they were rated at because my Farm Innovator heated dish didn't make it past 8 below without freezing over. He said I was expecting too much of it in the current cold weather but was impressed when I told him some had them work at 16 below.

So what is the coldest temps your water heater has endured before Hades froze over?
No I didn't see those unless that was the one with the small metal bowl sitting in a frame?

I just went out to dump water bowls for the night and check for eggs before locking up. I had to laugh. I have a little Bantam cross pullet who has been 'thinking' about going broody for the last month or two. I'll catch her sitting on an egg or two but if I take them away from her and put her on the roost bar, she fusses but gets over it for a day or two before repeating. Tonight she was hovering over a lone egg in one of the nesting boxes like she was debating on whether or not it was worth her trouble. When I snatched the egg from under her I knew why. The thing was ice cold. No way she wanted to lower her belly down on that egg but she REALLY wanted to! So she just stood there with her chest lowered to within two inches of the egg but no lower. Needless to say she is back up on the roost bar tonight and the egg is sitting on the counter defrosting.

I had an interesting conversation with one of the guys who works at the local MFA Agri store where I buy my feed. They had just got in some heated dog water dishes. Not quite a gallon in size, about a 5 inch depth, 8 or 9 inches across. I asked them what they were rated at because my Farm Innovator heated dish didn't make it past 8 below without freezing over. He said I was expecting too much of it in the current cold weather but was impressed when I told him some had them work at 16 below.

So what is the coldest temps your water heater has endured before Hades froze over?
It worked at 6 degrees. That is the coldest it has been here.
Yeah i used metal dishes on wax warmers for the bunny warmer dishes.
I have to tell you i was really disappointed to not place in the top 3 of the gingerbread and baking contest. I really thought my coop was nice. Me and my delusions!
I would use a roller and paint the inside with a good oil based paint.
then you can go in once a year and hose everything down without doing any damage to the wood.
hosing gets rid of cobwebs and dust/dander.
you can use an air compressor to do this also. just set up a good fan at the door blowing out. get the dust airborne with the spray nozzle and compressor and the fan will blow it out the door. fresh air will come in above the fan..
the compressor and spray nozzle works to clean out the inside of your car, too. better than a vacuum cleaner.
I haven't tried it inside out house,

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