In the northeast we are getting a big snow storm. Our area is expecting over a foot of heavy wet snow. This is when your coop build needs to consider the weight and ventilation. The main coop is built to withstand the added weight. And it stays dry. The run is not as well built. The ridge vent and flat run roof still need to be cleared. I will do it a couple times using a roof rake. This is a picture early in the storm. Just a few inches. 20180313_080127.jpg
I hope your fall didn't cause any major discomfort.
whenever I go in to the Dr for a check up they ask if I had any falls. I never do, but I wouldn't tell them if I did.. a couple of years ago I did a full fall.. the dog dragged his chain behind me and pulled my feet out from under me.. I fell flat onto my back, didn't hit my head. not a bruise or anything.

the neighbors still have not started tapping their trees.. they have about a week to get er done or it will be too late..

I built my roofs with no less than 5/12 pitch.
all metal roofs. the snow slides off pretty good..

Next monday I am going to the VA to get fitted with a hearing aid.. I got glasses a week ago.. having double vision. called the VA. they said when I come for my hearing test, to check in at the vision desk and they will adjust the glasses..
I like our VA clinics..

I hope your fall didn't cause any major discomfort.
whenever I go in to the Dr for a check up they ask if I had any falls. I never do, but I wouldn't tell them if I did.. a couple of years ago I did a full fall.. the dog dragged his chain behind me and pulled my feet out from under me.. I fell flat onto my back, didn't hit my head. not a bruise or anything.

the neighbors still have not started tapping their trees.. they have about a week to get er done or it will be too late..

I built my roofs with no less than 5/12 pitch.
all metal roofs. the snow slides off pretty good..

Next monday I am going to the VA to get fitted with a hearing aid.. I got glasses a week ago.. having double vision. called the VA. they said when I come for my hearing test, to check in at the vision desk and they will adjust the glasses..
I like our VA clinics..

My back was sore, but ibuprofen and heat fixed it up. I think i did something to a tendon in my leg , stretched it too much maybe. Seems better today. So nothing major.
Glad the VA is taking care of you!
good afternoon,
I just listed my pair of geese on C L for $50.oo

I think the goose is about to start laying, if she has not already..

I tried scraping the snow off of the driveway this morning, no such luck.. it is all ice and the temp here is still below freezing today..

I am hinting for Annie to take me out for lunch. I had only a couple of ginger snaps with my morning coffee.. they are wearing off.

Cappy, I hope your soreness has worn off..

I set a small live trap to try to catch a red squirrel or two.. they are such nuisances.

The quail feeder is ready to install. 20180314_154513.jpg
I also put plywood over 2 sides of the hardware cloth quail hutch. The back was already solid. Trying to keep it out of the wind for them.
Also started another feeder, i need 2! They may be delayed due to winter storm Skylar, idk what route they will take. Hoping they show up tomorrow.
How tall is that front trough...aren't quail tiny?
Can't wait to see feeder and birds installed in pen!

Broody hatch due on Sunday....
The front is 3.5 inches. The quail i ordered are pretty much full grown. I don't anticipate a problem but i can put a board in for them to stand on. 20180314_162112.jpg
Still no quail. Called the po twice, and they are useless.
I am making progress on the first quail hutch, sides are on and feeder almost installed, needs a couple small boards on the sides.
I put another coat of paint inside the second hutch and painted the roof. The second feeder is only waiting for the paint to dry to install it. It is drying fast with sun and wind, 62° out There!
Off to build another feeder.

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