Yeah, they go to school and bring those lovely germs home to share!

Yeah exactly. There are lots of kids at his school who are home sick this week.

I haven't done any more on my coop today. Took my son to the Dr's. Just viral so nothing we can do but wait.

Hoping to get the last two posts in this weekend so I can get it finished so I can get the hens into their new coop. Their current one is too small and I feel so bad for keeping them so confined.
Soon pretty ladies, soon.

I checked out a local hatchery. I'm seriously considering getting some blue and black australorps and lavender araucanas.
good morning,
got up early, all showered and shaved.
this is the first night in a loooong time that I slept all the way through..
In retrospect, I think my back aches and reflux problems were causes by kidney stones. I can't remember when I was so pain free .. I can actually bend over and pick up things from the floor.. woke up with no back pain. .
now maybe I can concentrate on talking about other things..
I got some of the AC panel glued and clamped. today I am being led astray into town so I won't get much of my project done..
the "nice" 12 foot board I pulled to make this AC panel from , turned out to have a lot of flaws in it. once I got it planed.
oh well, just pull another board and continue on, eh ??
Glad to hear you had a good nights sleep Jim.
Hope the next board is suitable for your needs.

Its not so cold here today. Either that or I'm acclimatising finally.

I think I'm going to have to sacrifice some of my mulch pile and spread some on a couple of muddy areas. Of course, all the mud is between the door and the chicken coop. I've almost slipped over too many times to ignore it now.
Last thing I need right now is to ass over in the mud and hurt myself.
Yeah exactly. There are lots of kids at his school who are home sick this week.

I haven't done any more on my coop today. Took my son to the Dr's. Just viral so nothing we can do but wait.

Hoping to get the last two posts in this weekend so I can get it finished so I can get the hens into their new coop. Their current one is too small and I feel so bad for keeping them so confined.
Soon pretty ladies, soon.

I checked out a local hatchery. I'm seriously considering getting some blue and black australorps and lavender araucanas.
You need to build faster! :lau
good morning,
got up early, all showered and shaved.
this is the first night in a loooong time that I slept all the way through..
In retrospect, I think my back aches and reflux problems were causes by kidney stones. I can't remember when I was so pain free .. I can actually bend over and pick up things from the floor.. woke up with no back pain. .
now maybe I can concentrate on talking about other things..
I got some of the AC panel glued and clamped. today I am being led astray into town so I won't get much of my project done..
the "nice" 12 foot board I pulled to make this AC panel from , turned out to have a lot of flaws in it. once I got it planed.
oh well, just pull another board and continue on, eh ??
I went shopping from noon to 9 pm! Got some super deals! I am going to be tired tomorrow.
Yes, just go at it with another board. I was kind of annoyed the lumber mill didn't have my order ready yet. So it will be Monday at least and i will have to make another trip.
Glad to hear you had a good nights sleep Jim.
Hope the next board is suitable for your needs.

Its not so cold here today. Either that or I'm acclimatising finally.

I think I'm going to have to sacrifice some of my mulch pile and spread some on a couple of muddy areas. Of course, all the mud is between the door and the chicken coop. I've almost slipped over too many times to ignore it now.
Last thing I need right now is to ass over in the mud and hurt myself.
Every time it gets wet out there i have to make myself wear boots so i don't fall on my butt again. At least the boots have chickens on them.
I have steel toe work boots for working outside. I still slide around in the mud. The mulch I spread over the slipperiest bits is helping heaps, so yay.

Instead of working on the coop, hubby built a raised garden for our front yard. A friend brought a trailer of topsoil and helped us fill in the new bed.
Snap decision when offered free topsoil.

So tomorrow is dedicated to the coop. I hope. At the moment I need Hubby's help but once the posts are in I should be able to progress by myself :fl

Every time it gets wet out there i have to make myself wear boots so i don't fall on my butt again. At least the boots have chickens on them.

I want some chicken boots. I'm going to have to keep an eye out
I have steel toe work boots for working outside. I still slide around in the mud. The mulch I spread over the slipperiest bits is helping heaps, so yay.

Instead of working on the coop, hubby built a raised garden for our front yard. A friend brought a trailer of topsoil and helped us fill in the new bed.
Snap decision when offered free topsoil.

So tomorrow is dedicated to the coop. I hope. At the moment I need Hubby's help but once the posts are in I should be able to progress by myself :fl

I want some chicken boots. I'm going to have to keep an eye out
I got mine at Ollies, they were reasonably priced too. Idk if you have that store there.
Eta, chicken boots that is...:)

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