the storms have moved over to lake Michigan,
we got over an inch of rain..
it is supposed to autumn like weather tomorrow. maybe I can get some probagation done on the grapes..
good news.. the grapes I transplanted last year are growing..they are in the area where I want to form my edible perennial garden. the longest journey begins with the first step..
Here is the after picture of the new coop site. 20180725_195612.jpg
good morning,
yesterday I got four grapes air layered.
I gave up on using pop bottles. I thought I
would try those flimsy sandwich baggies.
turns out they work great..
I got rained out just as I was getting the hang of it..
we went to the Mexican restaurant and had pea soup. He makes it just like my mother taught Annie how.. Annie likes it too because then she doesn't have to cook
have a fasting visit to the cardiologist this morning for labs..
four more hours before I can eat..
We have been working on our duck pen expansion and improvement, so far we have hauled oUT most of the junk, installed a new perimeter fence with fancy latching gate. Installed the new roof sections and took the old ones to the proper hight, higher than my 5 foot 1 inch head.oh and we installed a brand new dog blind so that she cant haras the ducks..... the dog is disappointed but the ducks will love it. Pics when I have recovered enough to take them...
We still have to finish the hardware cloth around the bottom and cover with rocks so we can let the ducks back in.

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