Have gas, just not to the kitchen.
Could have had it run, but must not be that important....
....to go thru the cost and construction mess(which would be major).

Kitchen appliances here were electric. boo hiss.
Major heat source to appliances is propane.
We had re-plumbed the clothes dryer to propane from electric. How big a deal could it be to take out the electric cook top and replace it with gas, re-plumbed to propane??
well now.
It was an adventure but oh, lovely results and absolutely no regrets.
When it came to the oven however...
The original appliance was a stacked oven /microwave (which was broken). In looking at replacements/upgrades, the big question turned out to be: Single oven with microwave or double oven???
The issue turned out to be whether we could do without a microwave oven. I do not remember why that was the question (cost perhaps?) but we put the counter top micro away, did just fine without it and, much to the delight of the baker of all things bread and sourdough, installed an electric double oven.
No regrets at all.
It is amazing to me the difference 25 years has made in the efficiency of ovens. We can use both, even this time of year, and the house does not heat up.
But I love the gas cook top!!!
It's your fault for now showing the kid where the feed is!
you don't know that.. and I am not blaming anyone for what happened,. we all got a good chuckle over it , no harm done.. and it was almost 50 years ago.
I only mentioned it because we all thought it was humorous.. lighten up.
Nope, they don't know... a lot......doesn't stop the typical oblivious and caustic posts from that member.

How big a deal could it be to take out the electric cook top and replace it with gas, re-plumbed to propane??
Well, it would be a major tear out just to run the pipes, not to mention the kitchen counter, I looked into it for a few years and decided it wasn't worth it.
Nope, they don't know... a lot......doesn't stop the typical oblivious and caustic posts from that member.

Well, it would be a major tear out just to run the pipes, not to mention the kitchen counter, I looked into it for a few years and decided it wasn't worth it.

I hear you.
we got lucky with the timing here... were we to do it now, it would be an expensive nightmare.
Kitchen appliances here were electric. boo hiss.
Major heat source to appliances is propane.
We had re-plumbed the clothes dryer to propane from electric. How big a deal could it be to take out the electric cook top and replace it with gas, re-plumbed to propane??
well now.
It was an adventure but oh, lovely results and absolutely no regrets.
When it came to the oven however...
The original appliance was a stacked oven /microwave (which was broken). In looking at replacements/upgrades, the big question turned out to be: Single oven with microwave or double oven???
The issue turned out to be whether we could do without a microwave oven. I do not remember why that was the question (cost perhaps?) but we put the counter top micro away, did just fine without it and, much to the delight of the baker of all things bread and sourdough, installed an electric double oven.
No regrets at all.
It is amazing to me the difference 25 years has made in the efficiency of ovens. We can use both, even this time of year, and the house does not heat up.
But I love the gas cook top!!!
I sure miss the gas stove we had in FL!
I sure miss the gas stove we had in FL!

I like the electric oven.. but I do miss the gas stove top..
My nephew used to cook at a restaurant where they had a six burner gas top.
he always said that if he ever built a new house, he was going to have one of those.. He is just about half finished remodeling a house for himself. I wonder if he will do that cook top ?
It is a smallish house. he might have to eat off the stove top because there won't be any room for a table.. LOL
I have to get some pots set out with dirt in them to root the black raspberries. I did a walk-by quick count and there are at least two dozen canes reaching for the ground..
Looks like we are heading for 100° here today. I might just try to get one wall framed up today. My back is not happy after the swap yesterday but that small amount of bending will just help limber me up.
Happy to report i sold another Jake turkey and a male guinea. As well as lots of hatching eggs. Then i had fun for a little while shopping.
Have a productive day everyone.
I tried to take your advice. didn't do too well.
not much productivity here.
I didn't mow the grass, but I did LOOK at it.
it does need mowing.
I took the tractor behind the garage and picked up a bunch of pails and bags of potting soil. I am going to mix it all together and fill up lots of one gallon pots.
DD Barbe said she has tons of pots for me.
the black raspberry plants are getting ahead of me. I found a couple trying to tip root themselves already.. I am going to make pots of dirt for them so I don't have to dig up a bunch of divots when I want to transplant them..
today up nort, they had a lot of storm damage, wind and hail. we didn't even get any rain..
I did cut the boards for the wall, but only got a basic rectangle made before it got dark.
However, i did build a table to use for watering the birds so i won't have to bend over so much. Pictures when i get a chance, shopping tomorrow.
good morning, I went out and put the last two air layers on the apple tree. It was challenging to find a branch without any apples on it.. I didn't.. so I stripped off the apples and fixed up two branches..
labs at the VA today..
then I am invited out for breakfast..
everybody, take it easy in this heat.

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