probably this is mostly a chat thread is because nobody is building a coop.
I vote that you stay here and keep sending those pictures.
what kind of a floor are you going to put in ?
it seems to me that you will need more floor joists.
went with Annie to Bone & Joint appointment today.
Recommendation: have her hips replaced.
probably this is mostly a chat thread is because nobody is building a coop.
I vote that you stay here and keep sending those pictures.
what kind of a floor are you going to put in ?
it seems to me that you will need more floor joists.
went with Annie to Bone & Joint appointment today.
Recommendation: have her hips replaced.
Thank you!
The plan is to add 2x4's st 16's, so 8 more joists.
The planned next step is to put up a upright at each corner to support the roof, the uprights will be 2 rough cut 2x8's nailed together. The plan is to go 8 feet at the front and 7 feet at the back. Next will be to put the roof "frame"? And then add the floor and roof joists.
As long as it's ok I will try to post my updates as we make progress.
No new pics today
My husband wants my coops to last a good long time.
probably this is mostly a chat thread is because nobody is building a coop.
I vote that you stay here and keep sending those pictures.
what kind of a floor are you going to put in ?
it seems to me that you will need more floor joists.
went with Annie to Bone & Joint appointment today.
Recommendation: have her hips replaced.
My Dad had 3 hip replacements, one became very infected. But over all it worked out well.
Thank you!
The plan is to add 2x4's st 16's, so 8 more joists.
The planned next step is to put up a upright at each corner to support the roof, the uprights will be 2 rough cut 2x8's nailed together. The plan is to go 8 feet at the front and 7 feet at the back. Next will be to put the roof "frame"? And then add the floor and roof joists.
As long as it's ok I will try to post my updates as we make progress.
No new pics today
My husband wants my coops to last a good long time.
Yes, we are interested in what you are building! Hubby doesn't want me building any more big coops so I am doing small ones. But I will be building a goat shed and feed storage combo, probably as soon as it cools down here.
probably this is mostly a chat thread is because nobody is building a coop.
I vote that you stay here and keep sending those pictures.
what kind of a floor are you going to put in ?
it seems to me that you will need more floor joists.
went with Annie to Bone & Joint appointment today.
Recommendation: have her hips replaced.

Very good point @jvls1942 . :D
My boss's husband had both his hips done and he says he has no pain at all now,:thumbsup
Have you two ever guilt a coop or anything like this before ?
usually 2x4 's are kind of light for floor joists.
Yes we built my 2 "big coops" in 2017... same basic design just 10x10 instead of 8x12, we used 2x6's for the floor and roof frame with those.
Its interesting that you would state the 2x4's are light? It seems like most sheds I have paid attention to look like they have 2x4's most places? Maybe I am wrong? On the floor we have added an extra "center" board that is a 2x8 just like the frame, the idea is it should help keep it from sagging. We will be using osb over the joists once the roof is on. This is only my 4th coop build so I could be considered a novice... we tend to use the Long nails and add a screw to each joint just for good luck.
Yes, we are interested in what you are building! Hubby doesn't want me building any more big coops so I am doing small ones. But I will be building a goat shed and feed storage combo, probably as soon as it cools down here.
Thank you
Cappy, I know, just about everybody we talk to has had a knee or hip replaced , or knows somebody who had..
Annie brother has had both hips and knees replaced. Now his back is shot. all they can do is put a rod in it, but then he could never bend over again. I stay away from him during lightning storms. LOL
the only problem I see with adding the floor after the walls are up is there is no edge support along the wall between the joists.
I always ran the OSB to the perimeter of the box joists, then framed the walls on the deck and then stood them up.
If I had enough grunts standing around, I would sheath the walls before standing them up.
On a regular house, I would end up with three 2x4's at each corner.
or 2x6's if that was what we were using for the studs..
Well we are a little unconventional... put the floor joist in.
one step at a time

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