We have ground squirrels. They burrow and tunnel underground instead of occupying trees (not many trees in the desert). They can be a real nuisance as they even dig under buildings and foundations, leaving telltale 2" hole openings. Some of them really messed up the foundation of our laundry room (which is separate from the main house). They dug up and softened all the dirt underneath it. 😲 🤬

Ground squirrels would be delighted to tunnel right under an anti-dig apron to get into the coop and any food that might be around. To prevent this we are planning on completely encasing the coop in 1/4" hardware cloth. The bottom will be about 12" beneath the floor of the coop so the chickens can still dig around.
Cappy, hope the tooth extraction feels better.
Keep your tongue out of it.. dry socket hurts.
I promised to come back and talk a little about rhubarb seeds. there are lots of tutorials on youtube about planting rhubarb from seed. that is where I got all of my information..
I ordered 100 Vicroria seeds. I would still like to get some Crimson Red..
back in the olden days when I grew up, many farmers laid boards along the bottom of the chicken wire as an apron. eventually it would dry rot away and would need replacing
you could use paving stones for this same purpose. a layer of landscaping cloth laid down first and then the pavers . that would be a very nice looking solution and it would keep weeds away, too. would make mowing the grass a snap.
I finally got the last four tomatoes staked. they are loaded with green tomatoes.
Next year I am staking them as I plant them..
Cappy, hope the tooth extraction feels better.
Keep your tongue out of it.. dry socket hurts.
I promised to come back and talk a little about rhubarb seeds. there are lots of tutorials on youtube about planting rhubarb from seed. that is where I got all of my information..
I ordered 100 Vicroria seeds. I would still like to get some Crimson Red..
back in the olden days when I grew up, many farmers laid boards along the bottom of the chicken wire as an apron. eventually it would dry rot away and would need replacing
you could use paving stones for this same purpose. a layer of landscaping cloth laid down first and then the pavers . that would be a very nice looking solution and it would keep weeds away, too. would make mowing the grass a snap.
I finally got the last four tomatoes staked. they are loaded with green tomatoes.
Next year I am staking them as I plant them..
Do you mind sharing a little bit more info?
Like maybe a few cut-n-pasted YouTube videos you think are worth while?
Do you mind sharing a little bit more info?
Like maybe a few cut-n-pasted YouTube videos you think are worth while?

I am not an expert on the subject. I only know what I saw on youtube. I have not planted any seeds , since they have not arrived yet.
I do not know how to copy and paste.
all I can suggest is for you to go to youtube and type in how to plant rhubarb seeds. there are lots and lots of videos on the subject.. many of them are almost identical to each other..
hope this helps.

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