do you start seeds inside and transplant the sets in spring ? My friend said she just buys started sets from the green house.
I am going to try containers and also direct planting into a dedicated bed for overwintering..
raining like crazy here this morning. that is making the snow go away faster.
do you start seeds inside and transplant the sets in spring ? My friend said she just buys started sets from the green house.
I am going to try containers and also direct planting into a dedicated bed for overwintering..
raining like crazy here this morning. that is making the snow go away faster.

I have usually direct-seeded my kale, but I have a long growing season and the optimal time for me is the fall.

I try not to buy plants if I can help it because they're so expensive compared to seed. By the time I've bought a kale or a cabbage at the nursery and raised it to maturity I might as well have bought it at a grocery store. :D
do you start seeds inside and transplant the sets in spring ? My friend said she just buys started sets from the green house.
I am going to try containers and also direct planting into a dedicated bed for overwintering..
raining like crazy here this morning. that is making the snow go away faster.
I start indoors, but I have direct sow for a fall crop

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