Thinking of adding a 4x8 add on to my coop. That would make it 8x12.I have 9 chicks at the moment and have 6 more coming in July and 6 in October. Would that be big enough for them? The run is gonna be 15 wide 35 long, still playing with those measurements
96sqft figures up to 4.5per with 21 birds, so yeah....but integration works best with extra space. Might want to add 8x8 and have a wire wall divider for integrations.
We're going to add another "wing" to our coop soon. It'll add about 15 sf, so not huge, but it'll up the area to about 62 sf total for 10 birds.

There will be some leftover lumber, so I plan to make a divider wall. Then I can set up a brooder or integration look-don't-touch pen. Instead of having to staple up fence or chicken wire.
Thinking of adding a 4x8 add on to my coop. That would make it 8x12.I have 9 chicks at the moment and have 6 more coming in July and 6 in October. Would that be big enough for them? The run is gonna be 15 wide 35 long, still playing with those measurements

That's right on in theory, but may or may not work for integration.

This article is more subtle and nuanced than the usual guidelines -- as useful as those are when you need a starting point:
I attended the Glen Allen VA swap today. Crazy busy!

Sold three goats, loads of chickens, and some ceramics. Lots of positive feedback.
My chicks are around 4 weeks old. Im took them out earlier to let them play and get use to being outside. Its about 82 with a real feel of 85. Now we were only out there for a few minutes and I think they were already getting too hot. So now I'm worried on when they have to go outside permanent
My chicks are around 4 weeks old. Im took them out earlier to let them play and get use to being outside. Its about 82 with a real feel of 85. Now we were only out there for a few minutes and I think they were already getting too hot. So now I'm worried on when they have to go outside permanent
Did you get them in the shade?
What's the room temp where they are living?

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