
7 Years
Jun 22, 2012
my 2month old golden laced cochin is acting really not herself for the last 2 days she seems to not run with the others and just sits by herself..she drinks her water but appetite is not as good..she just sits like a chicken does when they are ready to go to sleep at night..if she were a human i'd say depressed-like.
she is talking and alert and responds to me but she has no energy..and she seems to be walking cautious almost looks like she's tip toeing..i carried her around with me today and followed the others then let her down and she walks just fine, even ran alittle but only back to her pen and just tucked her feet under and sit there.
two days ago she was flying, playing, flapping her wings with the rest, talking and very curious, but now she just wants to sit and watch and that's it..
i noticed her poo today was very little and the color was white, really white and very runny.
someone please help me, i have no idea if she just tired, sick, or what..i'm really worried
i just went in to check on her..i sit her up on the table ..she stretched and then took a poop..the colors are the normal colors but it's runny..she responded when i make my normal sounds i do with all my chicken and she responded but a little less than normal..more quiet like..then i picked her up and instead of putting her on the floor i let her go about 6 inches from the floor and she plopped down normal and then walked she has great im at a she just being lazy? i dont know if this matters but our weather here in wisconsin has been a little cooler than the usual hot summer day. could that be it?

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