Hen attacked by dog, open wound help



7 Years
May 21, 2017
Hello, I am new here but postponing my introduction for sake of urgent care. I had the ordeal all typed out nicely but the page errored and I cannot find the draft :-( in short-er....
We have four hens. Yesterday at 6pm one of our two Americaunas was attacked by a large dog. Sunshine suffered a laceration to the back with a puncture wound and a puncture underneath, near the vent. She was in shock and at first I didn't think she would make it. Not knowing what do to at the time I put her in a pet carrier in the basement while I took care of my human babies. By 730pm she was alert and responsive and got a saline rinse on the wounds and an epsom salt bath. She can put weight on both legs, wings seem fine, stool has been normal. The wound is bad but not terrible, from what I can SEE.. I put her in the carrier overnight with a bowl of sugar water and some food. She possibly drank some water overnight but the food is untouched.
I've been looking at the forums all night but my head is spinning with info. Please advise, do I need to rinse the wound regularly or only if needed?
Husband went to get Neosporine ointment without pain reliever and I plan to apply. Is the wound drying ok or do I keep it moist?
How often will I need to feed her if she won't eat? Drink?
I want to bring her to see her girlfriends but I'm worried about flies laying eggs/ getting maggots. Is there a way?

Thanks for your help. Sunshine is a special girl (they all are :)) and deserves a chance
There is all kinds of things you can do----take to the Vet, get it sewed up, bandaged, pain med, etc, etc, But I don't. Put this and that on it, wash it with this and that---I do not do that either??? If I get a chicken hurt/cut, etc---as long as it is not bleeding or its innards hanging out or could be hurt worse from a rooster breeding say-----I spray it good with Blu-kote and leave it with the flock. If bleeding, etc I still spray and I separate till it heals some and then return to the flock. No, I don't put this or that on it----But You can. Just spray it to keep the flies off and keep a eye on it. Rarely ever loose one and they heal fine. Some times I have over 1000 chickens and I do keep blu-kote cans in several locations. I am sure you will get a lot of other replies some not going along with this----Its fine----It works great for my flock but you decide!
IMO keep her in a safe place until you know she's recovering. Even friends in the flock will peck and can kill an injured or ill one.

If you could post a pic of the wound, you'll get more exact recommendations on it's treatment. But sounds like you are handling that well already.

If she won't drink on her own, you can trickle it over her beak with a dropper or even just finger.
Try giving her scrambled or boiled egg or her favorite treat along with leaving feed available all the time for her.

Hope she gets well very soon.
Hi all, thank you for the reply's. I am glad to hear these birds are so resilient. My daughter who is five was especially glad to hear that they can take a little biting. We are keeping hope that she makes a full recovery. I stopped home between clients and we gave her some electrolytes and a little aspirin mix into the water. Use a syringe, she hadn't touched the food or water. Her eyes seemed brighter, more alert. So far so good with the wound, keeping an eye but no changes better or worse yet.
We will be keeping her in the pet carrier in our mudroom which is the warmest and the quietest place in our home. I'm off to my next client but I will figure out how to post a picture this evening and hopefully get some feedback on care specific to her injury. Thank you all for the help!
So this photo looks so gory. For some reason when I look at it in person it doesn't look so bad. This was yesterday, when it was fresh. :hitIs this going to heal? The dark spot is the puncture and was tender when I applied neosporine. She's patiently taking the fluids and food we're giving her with the syringe. Remaining hopeful for our little Sunshine.

Also while I'm here I feel a little obligated to say, if anything was phrased a little funny in my last comment it is because I was using the speak-to-text on my phone which isn't perfect and didn't bother checking.
Thanks again anyone following along or able to help.


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