Hen attacked by dog


Oct 27, 2021
My hen was attached last week by my dog. She had several holes in her neck when I rescued her abs one eye that wouldn’t open. She seems to be doing ok and is opening her eye now. She’s walking, eating and drinking, but I noticed her comb is much lighter than normal. She hasn’t laid but once since the attack. Any suggestions on how I can help her?
And how do you keep them in a run? I clip their wings every 6 months, but even after clipping another hen got out the very next day.
She might not lay for a while, she just needs to settle down.
Her comb... I don't know about.
I gave up keeping them in, but could you try and put a roof on?
My hen was attached last week by my dog. She had several holes in her neck when I rescued her abs one eye that wouldn’t open. She seems to be doing ok and is opening her eye now. She’s walking, eating and drinking, but I noticed her comb is much lighter than normal. She hasn’t laid but once since the attack. Any suggestions on how I can help her?
And how do you keep them in a run? I clip their wings every 6 months, but even after clipping another hen got out the very next day.
Welcome to BYC.
I'm sorry about your dog going after your hen. Dogs and chickens dont mix. I highly recommend that you buy chicken wire or at the very least some type of netting to install over the run. Otherwise your birds will continue to fly out of the run. Also, birds of prey will easily fly in and attack your birds. It will help deter night predators such as possums, coons and cats.

This time of the year is normal for chickens combs to turn lighter in color due to loss of sunlight hours and egg production slows or stops. If your hen is about a year old or older, she should go into molt soon, nothing to worry about.

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