Hen bullied hiding out


13 Years
Feb 14, 2009
We have a variety of hens that we got as chicks this past spring. We added two to the flock in Oct (to make 11) and things were going well until recently. One of the new hens was staying in a nesting box day and night. We thought she was sick, or broody and isolated her for day. Gave her calcium and warm bath. She ate well, drank water and pooped. Later in the day the flock was out of run freeranging and we took her out and almost immediately one by one they all came after her. She retreated to the nesting box and has been there since. Any advice would be most helpful. We do have a light that comes on for several hours in the morning and in the evening the coop and pen. That is the only change I can think of. Help!
I am sorry this is happening. I was actually searching on here for the same thing. I have a group(4) of bullies, who seem to relentlessly go after 3 others.
They could be free ranging and at opposite ends, yet they feel the need to just run them off from wherever they may be.
Luckily no blood has been drawn in my case, however it's not normal.
Has your hen been injured at all?
I have had to order pinless peepers from eBay if I can't end the bullying soon.
They suggest separating the bully however it seems in both our cases we would need to separate most of the flock!!
No injury other then some missing feathers. She is till in nesting box although she did come out of the run today and ate and drank water. She dint seem to get picked on but wanted back in the nesting box. I locked her out for a bit. But as soon as I opened it up again she went into nesting box where she has been since.
Is there anything different about her? I mean is she a different color than everyone else?
I wish I could be of more help. I am trying to figure out this whole bully hen thing myself.
I am sure that you know the more she is in the nest, the less food she will eat. Can you put some food in front of her till you figure out what to do?
I knoticed my hens that are bullied look a little thinner than the rest.
There could be several reasons for the bullying situation. The most common issues are lack of space and bored hens. Illness is also a common factor but if you have ruled these out as causes then I am not sure. Typically once they have determined the pecking order things become peaceful and aside from a reminder peck on the head on occasion things should be fine. I have seen a breed gang on bird of a different breed but again this is usually an issue of too little space or not enough feeding stations. It may be best to partition your ranging area so that she and a couple of the less aggressive hens can mingle outside of the reach of the others. If she can make a friend or two that will go along way to alleviate the bullying. Best wishes.
Thank you for the replies. Today she came out for a short time and ate and drank water! I locked her out of coop for a short time and she had some time freeranging. I've turned off the light in morn and night. She is a cuckoo maran and I am thinking she may be broody after all.
Is there anything different about her? I mean is she a different color than everyone else?
I wish I could be of more help. I am trying to figure out this whole bully hen thing myself.
I am sure that you know the more she is in the nest, the less food she will eat. Can you put some food in front of her till you figure out what to do?
I knoticed my hens that are bullied look a little thinner than the rest.

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