Hen died today, please diagnose. Warning, gruesome pics

Colorado Chick

5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
This hen was going down hill fast, so the owner decided to end her misery today. So i, wanting to learn why, opened her up. She had the tell tale signs of egg bound, and the owner couldn't save her no matter what she did. I opened her up and tons of fluids as well as egg yolk material flowed out. Then her intestines also looked like the below pic. Based on other pics I've seen, all the little nodules shouldn't be there. Thanks for helping me learn.
My guess is probably egg yolk peritonitis with ascites, but cancer of the oviduct is also common. Casportpony and many others are good at looking at necropsy pictures than I am, but your symptoms sound like the above.
My guess is probably egg yolk peritonitis with ascites, but cancer of the oviduct is also common. Casportpony and many others are good at looking at necropsy pictures than I am, but your symptoms sound like the above.[/quote
Thank you so much! Based on the info I found, it does sound very much like eyp. She had yolk matter floating around in her belly. Just to make sure, this is not contagious correct? It is a genetics thing? Based on what I've read, and how a few were able to turn their hens around, I think I will suggest to the owner to put her remaining girls on a round of duramycin 10, as none are laying and if they do, they are thin shelled eggs. What do you think? They are 2.5 years old.
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