Hen Egg Laying in yard instead of coop.

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I've solved this problem two different ways. Hopefully you can tell them apart and know which one it is. That can make it easier. In any case, do not leave any eggs in the outside nest. She may teach some others to lay out there.

I've kept the whole flock locked in the coop and run for three days, forcing the hen that was laying on the trailer or the one laying in the trash can to lay her egg in the coop or run and breaking her habit of laying outside. Luckily, they started using the nest boxes. In both cases, I did not know which hen it was so I locked them all in. I would have had to anyway. If I lock one in the coop and run, I'm locking the others out unless they are in there with her. I want the others to have access to the nest boxes too when they want it. I don't want them to learn to lay somewhere else.

For ones that I have caught laying on the floor of the coop, when I see them on their nest on the floor, I lock them in one of the nest boxes until they lay that egg. Usually it is over with in a half hour and they have learned where to lay, but I have had to do it twice for some. One stubborn hen spent three hours one day and two hours the next locked in the nest box but she did finally lay and learn. That's the same hen that spends an hour or more in the nest box every day before she lays anyway.

I am a firm believer that fake eggs help and keep one in each nest all the time. But they do not give absolute guarantees. Sometimes those hens just do what they want.

Good luck. Hope this helps.
Thank you Ridgerunner

I have tried the lock down method and found an egg in the chicken run smack dab in the middle. The second day let them out for only a little bit but watched her and she went straight for the spot outside of the coop/run and did her thing. We are going to be making some adjustments to their coop this weekend (weather pending) to get ready for winter. Once that is complete I will do the lock down method until she gets it.

On another note 10 out of the 12 chickens are laying every day
yes the lock down method worked!
I also now have 11 out of 12 laying eggs.
Now the real fun begins -figuring out what to do with them all
isn't it wonderful, send them here I don't seem to be getting enough for my extended family. I never realized how many eggs you used when you grew chickens, I need another large egg layer these tiny eggs don't last long.
my Rhode Island reds are approx 7 months old, and feel they were not laying. I was talking to some lady at feed store, and she said they should definitely be laying by now.
Mine are free range, and she immediately got concerned they were laying some where in the fenced in 3 acres. I put 5 out of the 7 reds i have, and pinned them up together in a decent size pin 2 days ago. Didn't get anything yesterday, possibly because they were stressed about being locked up. Went out this morning, and I have 1 in the middle of the pin. I put some milk crates with some hay in it figuring they would go for the nest. The only thing I am confused about is why only 1 egg, and it was poked at, I could tell. Any suggestions?

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