Hen Hanging Her Head, Neck Issues?


Oct 17, 2019
Hi, All,

I have a 7 month old hen who is hanging her head like she's having neck issues, maybe even a broken neck. My flock is open range'd. I didn't notice her coming out of the coup with issues, but shortly after, I saw her with her beak on the ground. It looked like she was foraging for insects and I walked away. A bit later, the hen had moved about 40 feet, but then other hens were pecking/attacking her. I isolated her in a horse stall.

Other than her head hanging, she can stand and if I hold her and lift her head for her, she's "normal" looking, breathing, etc.

Any thoughts on this condition or treatment suggestions would be very much appreciated!

Thank You!

It sounds like syour hen may have symptoms of wry neck, which is a neurological symptom of several possible conditions. A head or neck injury, a vitamin E or thiamine (B1) deficiency, and sometimes can be a symptom of Mareks disease, and several other serious viruses. The main treatment would be to give vitamin E 400 IU and give some chick bitamins that include thiamine. Feed and water her, and wet chicken feed, cooked egg, tuna, and sunflower seed would be good snacks.
Separate her in a dog crate with food and water, either kept with the other chickens, or bring her inside for your convenience to feed her. When chickens have odd symptoms, other chickens may attack them, sensing there is something wrong with them. Hoepfully, this issue will respond to the vitamins, and getting enough to eat and drink. Some need to be wrapped up and fed a mash of wet feed, but if she will eat and drink on her own, that would be good. Getting a weight on her today would give you a baseline, to keep track in case she loses weight.
That's at least somewhat more hopeful that I was expecting and I very much appreciate the suggested treatment!! I'll start that right now and report any developments.

Thank you very much!!

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