Hen has barking like sound, breathing from her mouth, not free ranging with the rest

Los Poyos

Mar 22, 2022
Just noticed this morning that my hen is not free ranging with the other 8 hens we own. She is 2-4 years old, fluffy brown, doesn't look like she has lost weight, drank some water for me this morning, normal poop, no signs of trauma, stretching her neck up when breathing. We are new to keeping chickens, inherited these 9 when we bought the home, and have always fed them fresh water and chicken scratch from Tractor Supply. Have never used any medications or supplements. She is just staying put right by our back door, other hens are coming and going. One hen in particular is her buddy, and she has been staying close to the hen's side. If you have children, the sound this hen is making occasionally sounds like a child with croup.
Thank you!!

Chicken scratch isn't a complete feed, it is a treat. It doesn't have enough protein or calcium.
Your hens will slow down or stop laying. They also may become egg bound. Switch to an all flock type feed with some oyster shell in a seperate dish.
The barking noise could be something caught in her throat. It also could be a respiratory problem. Do you notice any discharge from her eyes, nostrils, or mouth? Does her face look swollen? Is she panting or wheezing?

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