Hen has bumblefoot but not limping- should I operate or leave it alone?


5 Years
Apr 9, 2018

My 2 year old hen has black scabs under both feet. However she doesn't limp, at least not noticeably when walking on grass. If I dont operate and she develops problems then I will feel really bad, but if i do operate and it goes wrong, making problems for her then I will feel just as bad. She is a heavy meat-bird too. Any suggestions will be much appreciated! thx

My 2 year old hen has black scabs under both feet. However she doesn't limp, at least not noticeably when walking on grass. If I dont operate and she develops problems then I will feel really bad, but if i do operate and it goes wrong, making problems for her then I will feel just as bad. She is a heavy meat-bird too. Any suggestions will be much appreciated! thxView attachment 1584431 View attachment 1584430

Woah huge maybe not infected so that's why she's not limp
Okay let me dig in the matter my rooster also having bumblefoot
I use to soak in some Antibacterial wash currently using some with Neem
(Azadirachta indica) wash with aloe
Doing great job in softening skin and cleaning then I gauze wrap it in Vaseline or Silver Sulfadiazine Ointment
I would not leave them alone. Those are quite large and need to be cleaned up so the foot can heal. I would do it non-surgically first, and if that is not successful, then consider surgery. The following article explains how:
You can also apply decolorized iodine (any drug store will have-not the same as providone iodine/betadine) to the scab, and wrap over night which will help soften them for removal.

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