Hen has cloudy eye! Any suggestions?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 1, 2009
I have 4 RIR hens and one of them isn't laying eggs anymore, but I can't tell which one. Noticed only 3 eggs three days ago and have been this way since. Today, I did a thorough exam on all of them, they have full crops, (Normal, not crop-bound), they don't feel fat or too thin, they are all bright, active, and responsive. Feathers and combs look good, eyes look bright...except for one chicken.

"Maha" has one eye (RIGHT) that is cloudy, almost looks like a cataract, and it seems a bit more swollen than the other side, but no discharge, no crusting...just a little bit puffy.

Anyone know what this could be? Or any ideas on how to treat?? I know it's hard to "Diagnose" over the internet! But anyone have anything like this happen before? Anything I need to watch for?

I don't know much about birds other than they can go downhill very quickly! I'm just hoping that I am doing ok by catching something early...

Please help!


Bad eye

Good eye
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A white spot or cloudy look to the pupil may be a cataract, which is often the result of avian encephalomyelitis infection as a chick, vitamin A deficiency, old age, or genetics.
Hi inezbouley,
I don't know what is wrong with your otherwise lovely chicken, but you might get more responses if you put the nature of the problem in the title of your post. "Hen has cloudy eye" will catch someone's, er, eye.
Good luck.
No one responded yet, huh?
Hmmm, have you tried searching the Merck's Veterinary Manual online? That might give you a few ideas. You can also check over at The Happy Hen House and Dlhunicorns' page. I don't have the links handy since I am a bozo at computers, but a google search will do it.
I would get some VetRx and treat her with that. I had a roo awhile back and his eye looked pretty close to that. I treated him with VetRx for a couple of days and it cleared right up.
Have you had any luck finding an answer? We have a girl with the same symptom and are trying to figure out what to do about it.

We never figured it out either...we're thinking it may have been trauma because of the swelling on the side where it was cloudy. Don't know for sure...good luck to you!

I'm attending the GVMA meeting in SanDestin in May and they have a few poultry seminars that may prove helpful for me and others, I'll post what I've learned on here if I can!

when I did my research on mareks after one of my chooks got it I read that a mishapen or grey eye is a symptom, but that does not look the way mine did or the pics. But I dont remember seeing any other diseases that had a clowdy eye

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