Hen Has Never Laid an Egg-13 months


In the Brooder
Oct 9, 2021
I have a hen who has never laid an egg. She is a 13 month old Buff Orpington. She’s always been on the petite side and comb is still lighter in color and very small. As well as her beak. She’s 1/15 hens. Has plenty of room and diet is solid. She’s never shown interest in nesting boxes and doesn’t squat when you approach her. She is definitely low on the pecking order. I’m thinking she may have a reproduction issue. Any advise or thoughts? (Pics attached)


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A reproductive issue certainly could be her problem, and that's not easy to fix. A veterinary visit, maybe xrays or an ultrasound would help diagnose the problem, which will be expensive. Otherwise, you could let her enjoy life while she can.
Look for mites or lice, at night, with a flashlight. Is she getting enough to eat? what are you feeding? Could she be hiding eggs somewhere? her comb doesn't look red enough for a laying hen, true.
All the best,
If her behavior is otherwise normal she could just be a dud. The reason for it could be physical, hormonal... it may or may not affect her lifespan or health. I have a very healthy and active 2 1/2 yr old bird that's either never laid, or maybe laid 1-2x total, but her lack of laying doesn't seem to affect her any.
A reproductive issue certainly could be her problem, and that's not easy to fix. A veterinary visit, maybe xrays or an ultrasound would help diagnose the problem, which will be expensive. Otherwise, you could let her enjoy life while she can.
Look for mites or lice, at night, with a flashlight. Is she getting enough to eat? what are you feeding? Could she be hiding eggs somewhere? her comb doesn't look red enough for a laying hen, true.
All the best,
I will check the lice and mites at night. I’ve only checked in the day time. Thank you for that tip.
They have layer pellets, oyster shells, grit, scratch mix that has omegas and sometimes scraps. With the occasional Mealworms for a treat. She does get in there and eat. She’s been like this since she was a chick, very dainty. And no on the hiding eggs. Thank you for the response!
If her behavior is otherwise normal she could just be a dud. The reason for it could be physical, hormonal... it may or may not affect her lifespan or health. I have a very healthy and active 2 1/2 yr old bird that's either never laid, or maybe laid 1-2x total, but her lack of laying doesn't seem to affect her any.
Yes! She behaves normal. And good to know. She’s my daughter’s favorite (of course) so I was mostly curious if this was a normal thing from time to time. Thanks for the info.
Agree, an all flock feed with 18% to 20& protein, and calcium acceptable for any bird not actively laying eggs. The layer feeds are way too high in calcium, and generally 16% protein, the least protein that's okay for birds eating nothing else. you are lowering their protein further by feeding scratch.
Her diet likely has nothing to do with her lack of egg production though.

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