Hen has sour crop and impacted crop!!! She has lost weight!!!!!

Have you begin miconazole treatment? If not, then you probably should. A chicken can do without food for days, but water needs to be given with a syringe if she refuses to drink. Try grated carrot. Often my crop patients will eat that when all else fails. Soft boiled egg is another thing they will usually eat.
Have not started yet, but will today! I'm going to the pharmacy to pick up the miconazole. She has started to poop out some rotten grass from the impaction. Is it safe to give her solid food like grated carrots or soft boiled egg at this point? Or should we stick to yogurt?
Update, she pooped out more fibrous grass this morning! Got her to sip on water... eat a little plain yogurt. Massaged her crop and took off the Ace wrap crop bra since it got dirty. She perked up and EVEN STARTED GROOMING HERSELF!??!?!?!?!? :eek: For her this is an insane amount of energy!!!!!! I'm so thrilled. Just seeing her do normal chicken behavior feels SO GOOD right now. Got her the vaginal cream and fed her a half inch, just like another article said. Now giving her mushed up scrambled egg with coconut oil to help it go down...
Gtreat news her crop is moving! Small amount of grated carrot would be okay. It could push the grass material on through. Continue to offer a variety of foods. She will eat what she needs.
GUYS SHE POOPED AGAIN!!!!!!!! Twice in one day is a new record!!!!!! She's even up and moving around... sipping water a TON more on her own. Eating little bits of scrambled egg here and there. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
This is the problem with trying to hitch a ride on someone else's thread. I was answering the original poster. I answered your post by citing your quote. Your hen appears to have a terminal infection, maybe treatable, probably not. If you want to discuss your hen's issues, it would be best to make your own thread so we all know what we're talking about.
So sorry to confuse everyone, just trying to get to the bottom of what is wrong with her, is it sour crop, is it lash egg, its all just a quessing game and I just want to do the best I can to get her well 😢With only three chickens its hard to lose them😢😢
Hi everyone! Courage is doing considerably better than when we first started treatment. She wears a crop bra to help with her pendulous crop. Whenever we massage her crop we don't feel an impaction... just some grit that she stored away. She's been pooping out lots of dark green stuff, BEFORE they were dark green strands (full strands of grass.) So, we're thinking the dark green mush is digested grass that's just all coming out now. It seems like she's pooping out the impaction bit by bit everyday. She's also very energetic now. Before when we were trying to feed her or give her water, she didn't put up a fight. Now she's full on squawking and slapping us with anger because she wants to eat her chicken feed. :lol: We're also still treating the sour crop with the vaginal cream as well. BUT that comes to my next question: if the impaction is coming out, and there's NOTHING hard in her crop, is it okay to start giving her chicken feed again??
Hi everyone! Courage is doing considerably better than when we first started treatment. She wears a crop bra to help with her pendulous crop. Whenever we massage her crop we don't feel an impaction... just some grit that she stored away. She's been pooping out lots of dark green stuff, BEFORE they were dark green strands (full strands of grass.) So, we're thinking the dark green mush is digested grass that's just all coming out now. It seems like she's pooping out the impaction bit by bit everyday. She's also very energetic now. Before when we were trying to feed her or give her water, she didn't put up a fight. Now she's full on squawking and slapping us with anger because she wants to eat her chicken feed. :lol: We're also still treating the sour crop with the vaginal cream as well. BUT that comes to my next question: if the impaction is coming out, and there's NOTHING hard in her crop, is it okay to start giving her chicken feed again??
So glad to hear she is getting better, when they start putting up a fight you know things are starting to go well but keep an eye on that crop regularly, I lost one of my girls last year thinking once she was over it it was fine.
So glad to hear she is getting better, when they start putting up a fight you know things are starting to go well but keep an eye on that crop regularly, I lost one of my girls last year thinking once she was over it it was fine.
How is your current girl doing? Did you find out what's wrong with her?

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