Hen imitating a rooster?

They're right in the sense that it doesn't go through an actual gender change, it just appears as though that has happened. My hen that mounts the others has been doing it for over a year now. Her "sister" (same breed) did the same thing starting at about 1 year old and I found her dead mysteriously one morning. She never showed any overt symptoms that I noticed other than she stopped laying eggs, but something was definitely going on with her. I'm sure her death was a tumor related issue. However, her sister is still going strong! You just never know and as I said before I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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OK, here is a couple of Chickie and one with her standing with Roo. Chickie has no real sign of a comb and no waddles. I doubt she is a "he" but she does a great "cock a doodle "do for a hen.

oh my god how beautiful frizzle
ive never herd a hen crow like a roo, but my husband said it can happen he had a few a while back that would crow like a roo, i guess they wore the pants in that coop.
OK, here is a couple of Chickie and one with her standing with Roo. Chickie has no real sign of a comb and no waddles. I doubt she is a "he" but she does a great "cock a doodle "do for a hen.

oh my god how beautiful frizzle
ive never herd a hen crow like a roo, but my husband said it can happen he had a few a while back that would crow like a roo, i guess they wore the pants in that coop.

Oh she does (wear the pants) believe me SHE DOES!!!

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