Hen laying down, unable to walk, panting

Michael Lionetti

Nov 7, 2017
My 1 year old americauana is sick not sure exactly what's wrong. She was fine yesterday running, eating, drinking. Wife found her laying down next to coop after she let them out this morning. Brought her inside because she wont walk. She is eating and drinking, he had several green loose bowel movements, started her on corrid jusin case. Eyes are clear, lungs are clear. No nasal drainage, her head is normal color. Only other thing is some lost tail feathers since yestedday. Coop is predator proof, all other chickens are fine.Any other thoughts suggestions?
Sorry that you hen is ill. Is she closer to 1 1/2? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Has she laid an egg lately? Can you put on a disposable glove, and insert a finger inside her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg. She may be molting since she is losing tail feathers. That can be a time of stress. Other illnesses may affect her in this time of stress. Will she stand and take any steps if she is lifted up? I would offer her some Poultry Cell or NutriDrench a few drops at a time up to 3 ml in a day. Offer water, and make sure that she is sitting where she can reach food and water. A homemade chicken sling or chair may be useful. Here is a good link with pictures of chicken slings in post 5:
Mareks comes to mind when a chicken is not able to walk, but there are many other possible causes including injury, vitamin deficiency, egg bound, moldy food poisoning, botulism, and others. Egg binding can cause a temporary paralysis in legs. How do her poops look?
She was vaccinated, she laid a big blue egg this morning and her abdomen felt soft. She stood to eat and drink when I picked her up, used a wing to stabilize herself. She is 1 year and 4 months. Can a molt make them this weak? IIt is hit and humid and she is breathing better in the basment. I will offer her some poultry cell. And her poops havbeen green, loose, with white, only 2 today.
It is good that she laid today. Molting is hard on them, some more than others. Mine will eat much less, act a little more stand offish, and they can be stressed enough to get sick. Heat can cause dehydration, and if that is the problem, the electrolytes and vitamins in the Poultry Cell plus water should help along with the cooler area. Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but still is something to mention. Glad that she was vaccinated. It is not 100% effective, but it can really help. Most chickens will eat some chopped egg, tuna, or liver, along with their regular layer feed.

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